Woo time for camp

Also why do I feel so fat™¿ I'm trying to practice good body image but there are just some days I feel like a blob


Woo time for camp Also why do I feel so fat™¿ I'm trying to practice good body image but there are just some days I feel like a blob

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@caption it's okay to feel like a blob sometimes as long as you understand that you are a very cute blob and all blobs are very cute
exactly and you're the cooliest blob fish😎
"hey, hey, wouldn't it be great, great if we could just lay down, wake up in slowtown"
HOW is that xfiles what
have fun at camp dude also you are anything but fat but even if you feel gross ITS JUST YOU you're amazing
sorry if that came out wrong but by ITS JUST YOU i meant its just you who thinks of yourself negatively jskdjs
thank you <3
thank you btw that actually helped me a lot
um excuse me ur not fat
blobs r cool tho blobs rnt fat blobs r just blobs
dont insult blobs geez