Chat page for me and Unicorn


Chat page for me and Unicorn

11 0
hey x
I good thanks u x
hi x
hey x
hi sorry for the late reply I was eating tea gonna watch you tube now xx
dinner ? tea?
lol xx
same I shy to teachers but not with my mates as much xx
oh ok lol xx
wuu2 x
lol that would be the worst!
is life ok for you
hey x
what u up to
oh yeah I did a french test today just have I f tea text when I fin
hey I back x
what's 7th grade as where I am we don't call it that
never mind its year 8 I am in year 8 to x
hey x
I had netball match then choir so I was busy not to mention school x
I made curry yesterday in cooking and made my mates with her today and my hair smells of curry 🙄