// Noot! \\
// so. I'm out. I didn't want to be out. woohoo. \\
// ryro is everything goals tbh // I make my own memes // @frens please talk to me I'm dead inside \\


// Noot! \\ // so. I'm out. I didn't want to be out. woohoo. \\ // ryro is everything goals tbh // I make my own memes // @frens please talk to me I'm dead inside \\

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gender sucks I wanna be Ryan Ross
wait how did you come out without wanting to come out?
ooh dang well that sucks i'm sorry dude
Makeup is fûckin' great for a guy, because it makes a guy look beautiful, which a lot of times, a guy is not beautiful, and I wanna change that.
^^ thank you