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(self-advertisement) 😍This is a stunning collage! I would love it if a collage like you joined my icon contest!! β™₯️ It’s ukulele97 here and I have a new ukulele97_life account! When you join you automatically receive a group shoutout win or lose! πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ I hope you join because you have a lot of talent β™₯️🌻😊! -ukulele97_life
love yr collages!πŸ’•
thanx for the follow!πŸ˜‹
replying for my life account- yeah you can enter more than once
aww thank youπŸ’–
oh, idk!
probably avengers age of ultron
would you like to get featured on my page β­οΈπŸ’«