Ahh sorry this is so bad


Ahh sorry this is so bad

19 0
it’s really good, and what?
I do draw on myself, all the time
except for reading class, the stupid teacher banned me from drawing on myself, and I’m like,”you want me to die, don’t you?”
yeah it’s stupid it’s like,”it’s better than cutting, would you rather have me cut?”
my mom don’t care I draw on myself, I mean I don’t have a drinking problem, I don’t smoke, and I don’t cut, I’m the perfect child in her eyes, but I’m nowhere near spoiled
oh same here, my mom would whip me with a spatula if I cut
I don’t mind
I love it!
aw tysm! 💘
Can I just say I love your bio
And your account
this one is like one of my favorites, it explains the characters perfectly, and they should make a second season! the ending of the first sucked