Wolf Roplay, Gotta catch them all


Wolf Roplay, Gotta catch them all

6 0
Rose: *Appears from behind the tree*
Rose: *Looks around*
Luna: (supprise attack)
Zelda: YEAH
Rose:*Attacks back*
Thunder:*Comes to see what the commotion is all about*
Rose:*Uses Last Resort*
Luna: (uses Scratch on Rose)
Shadow: Stop Stop!
Rose: *Uses tackle*
Thunder: *Shocks them with lightning so they could stop*
Rose:*Screams for lightning*
Blueberry:*Jumps from down the tree* *Uses her ribbons to choke Thunder*
Luna: (stops fighting)
Luna: this has gone to far
Rose:*Puts hand on blueberrys shoulder so she can stop*
Zelda: no don't stop, let the blood drip 😈
Blueberry:*Glances at Rose and stops*
Luna: (stares at Zelda)
Luna: creepy
Rose:*Looks at Zelda* ...
Speed:*Comes from behind the tree* Whats going on?!
Speed:*Looks a Rose and falls in love with her immediately*
Speed: Oh....
Blueberry: I’m sorry, I’m just very protective of Rose..
Thunder: Oh... Well I respect that
Speed:*Keeps staring at Ross*
Rose I mean XD
Thunder: Sorry for shocking you Rose... And Luna..
Rose: That’s ok.
Luna: (coughs out smoke)
Blueberry: Well... Im blueberry.. Roses cousin, Nice to meet you
Shawdow: Pokemon!? No one comes in on my territory
Rose: ...... there are other Pokémon too you know that right?.....
Speed: *Thinks* Shes cute....
Thunder:*Notices he’s staring at Rose* Hey Romeo, Quit staring
Speed: ......
Shawdow: hang gaurd!!!
Shawdow: (looks at Luna 😻)
Luna: ummmmmmm
Luna: (feels uncomfurtable)
Zelda: kill him!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh
Luna:(grabs Zelda)
Luna: don't, I Will!
Luna and Zelda: Ahhhhhhhhhhh
Shawdow: (doges)
Blueberry: o. o...
Flame:*Comes from behind a tree*
Flame: o. o...... wuts goin on?
Speed: Flame?!
Flame:*Looks at Speed* Speed?!!!
Speed: *Runs to him* OMG!!! ITS BEEN SO LONG!
Flame:*Laughs* Ya!
Speed: How’s Amy?
Flame: Shes Fine.... Shes just been more annoying than ever but I love her
Speed: That’s Nice!
Flame: Hows... Your sister?
Thunder: Omg! Flame!!!
Flame:*Smiles* Hey thunder!
Flame: So what’s going on? Who are these Pokémon?..
Thunder: Honestly... I have no idea XD
Speed: Same.... *Looks at Rose* *Blushes*
Flame:*Notices that Speed is looking at Rose* Ooooo Looks like someone’s in love
Thunder: He was watching her 5 minutes ago....
Speed: SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!