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Nick works at Deo's game company he made. Lethal Grimlakin Productions.
*they not he
Nick's my LGP self insert. didn't you read his description when I posted the Info about him?
and I apologize if I don't respond quick enough. I'm watching supernatural
When did you post info about him? I don't remember that. I'm sure I read it sometime, but I probably forgot. You don't need to be so upset about it.
I'm not upset.?? I just asked if you read it. I posted it like. around. August.
Sorry I took forever. supernatural really gets a hold of your heart
If you posted it that long ago I'm not going to remember really small details like what the letters on his shirt stand for. You certainly sounded upset; you were acting like this is some pertinent information I should have memorized.
No I wasn't. ????? And it wasn't a small detail. he worlds there and it is a big part of his life.
oh well it doesn't matter :V no one role plays or is interested in him anyway except rose.
Well maybe I would be interested in him more if you would use him in RPs with someone else besides Rose. You guys do them all the time and their the only rps you do anymore, so I thought it was a personal thing between you two.
I tried making RP posts with him but nobody came. not really anybody role plays anymore but I wouldn't mind role playing with others from time to time.
You have not made one post about RPing for at least two months. I would RP with people if they didn't make it seem like they were shutting me out of that sort of thing.
that's why. I stopped because no one comes anymore. and I'm always open for a good role play as you can see with rose. I'm still here everyday. :V
I haven't made an RP post for 2 months because 2 months ago everyone just stopped. coming to me anyway.
I'm still your friend Hannah and id be happy to role play with someone like you anytime. at least you know what your doing. some people actually don't. or at least they don't use as good of grammar and stuff as you.
Yeah, I can see that you RP with Rose, but it seems like she's the only one you want to rp with anymore.
Is that the only thing you like about rping with me? My good grammar? "Someone like me".....thanks.
I want to RP with others
No that's not what I meant. your a great person to role play with. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
Your really fun to role play with. I didn't mean to hurt you. but I guess that's all I do... sorry.
im sorry
I really didn't mean it like that.
I'm sorry. I'm irritating. I know. which is why I still don't understand why we're friends. I just feel like you don't even like me.
You probably don't but. I can't help but think that.