But actually, it gets so weird for me when I find out someone likes me. It's like, "are you suuuuure about that..? You're making a huge mistake here. When did you drop your standards?"


But actually, it gets so weird for me when I find out someone likes me. It's like, "are you suuuuure about that..? You're making a huge mistake here. When did you drop your standards?"

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FACTSSS I'm like why the hèll do you like me?
Lol so me😂
right like I think this one kid likes me because he always looks over at me and when I accidentally meet his gaze he hastily looks away and he always acts awkward when I talk to him and I'm thinking "alright he probably likes me...but why though?" and then I think "nah you're being irrational and conceited of course he doesn't like you don't think like that don't be full of yourself Lee"
well I like you a lot. idk why you like me though 😂 I'm kinda whiny and annoying
see I never get liked by someone actually nice or good looking. it's like it's always either the rude, annoying kid. so it actually is just like normal because what normal person would like me?
if someone likes me I get all stressed øut bc like I don't want to break their heart??¿? but I don't want to friend zone you ¿? wha t if theY crY abUot me?¿? v oh sweet shrek save mMe
@caption like um please you don't really like me what happened
well that's because when someone likes you it's not the person you like and you just go to the Internet for consolation on your life