*story time*

A few days ago one of my friends told me that they thought the hoodie that I 
always wear was a "cool kid thing." so of course I started to wonder why they thought that and decided to contemplate all of my life choices leading up to this poi


*story time* A few days ago one of my friends told me that they thought the hoodie that I always wear was a "cool kid thing." so of course I started to wonder why they thought that and decided to contemplate all of my life choices leading up to this poi

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aw frick.
*story time* A few days ago one of my friends told me that they thought the hoodie that I always wear was a "cool kid thing." so of course I started to wonder why they thought that and decided to contemplate all of my life choices leading up to this point to try and distinguish why they assumed it was cool. I then realized that I am literally just a syfy obsessed teen. the movies I watch are syfy. the shows I watch are syfy. the books I read are syfy. I also like to contemplate intricate science fiction scenarios in my head at least thirteen times a day. so why they thought I was cool, I had no clue, but then I figured it out. no one knows I like syfy. so people think I'm cool. (I personally think syfy is very cool, as you can tell). On top of that, I am the only girl that has read my favorite book at my school; the other people are all guys. I guess I just never realized that some people didn't like science or science fiction because I had liked it for so long. I just wanted to tell you about this because it really changed how I see other people. I don't know why THIS was the thing to do it, but it really shook up my world. anyway, I wrote a lot and if you read it all good for you, but I'm done now. ~.~
yes, I know, it's like you've been doing something all your life and suddenly someone comes up to you and say," OMG this thing you do is like the new thing" and you're just standing there like WAT‽ in my case, I've always had a British accent and I went through school fine until I went to middle school and then suddenly it's a thing that everyone stops me on my way to the lockers and make me talk to them because my accent is "funny".
because everyone else are just used to American accents