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if you want me to use a picture of Shawn that you have or took please send it to me here in the remixes, or if you have a fact that you think everyone should know that I haven't posted out, please send it to me on here. you will be mentioned in my caption for the next fact.
these are all facts i get from his interviews, fans that he follows that he met, I don't post fake facts, and I post facts about him because I absolutely adore him, I have seen him in person, unfortunately we didn't meet, but I know a lot about him. so if you think I get a fact wrong just comment and I will respond trying to fix it or explain.
I get his pictures from his Instagram if you were wondering, and fan accounts as well. if you want to know something about Shawn maybe I can help. I don't know EVERYTHING about him, but I know him very well. and I know what he dislikes and what he likes. so don't hesitate to ask. :)
I like black and white tbh it's your choice😊