Only God can bring you back life, to a new life where you can forget your worries and troubles and give your problems to the lord!❤️


Only God can bring you back life, to a new life where you can forget your worries and troubles and give your problems to the lord!❤️

26 2
thank you!!! and I LOVE your collages too, their so unique and creative. I think it's been cool to watch how much your account has grown because when I first followed you, you only had 100. now your at 700!! it's amazing that you can share Christ's love with all of them.
(almost 800)
so true
Congrats on winning my contest! Your collages are always so amazing! (I especaily loved your Narnia and Lord of the Rings themes) I was supposed to spa you but I already liked all your collages so I pretty muh unliked them and liked them back to look like a spam... :) Part of the prize of 1st place is a collage made by me but your collages are way better than mine so I totally understand if you don't want it.
*much (why can't I type!?)
i love how u arent ashamed to spread Gods word. i totally use ur collages for inspiration!! thx!!💋😘💯