Aka introducing Nyx into the story (4 characters to do yikes)


Aka introducing Nyx into the story (4 characters to do yikes)

4 1
Liam looks over at the new guy and whispers over to Jasper “Never seen him before..”
Jasper nods slightly
Nyx walks around, slightly uncomfortable. He walks over to Oliver. “I feel like people are staring at me...” he whispers. “It’s fine. They just don’t recognize you. Go socialize.” He groans and walks over to Jasper and Liam. “Uh..hey. I’m Nyx.”
“Hi I’m Liam!” “I’m Jasper.”
Jasper ruffles Liam’s hair and Liam playfully punches him
I’m watching the Owl House and King is just, SO CUTEEEEEEEEEE
“Nice to meet you two. How long have y’all lived in the neighborhood?”
“16 years.” they say in usion
they first bump, they’ve done that before
“That’s not that long.” Nyx realizes what he said and mentally curses himself. He appears 17 but hes really 7,00.
Liam whispers to himself “Nailed it!”
Liam looks confused “Wot?”
“I misheard I guess.” Nyx suddenly walks away.
Liam makes a •-• face
Nyx walks over to Oliver. “Well that went horribly.”
Liam goes into the pool “Cold cold cold cold cold cold...”
Andrew arrives, looking nervous.
Nyx cannonballs in. Splashing everyone
Jasper shields himself from the water
Liam goes underwater “I am shark.”
Oliver jumps into the pool, pulling Ash in as well. “Oliver!” Ash exclaims, since he is fully clothed
Jasper watches all the chaos
Nyx comes up above the water, his brown hair sticking to his face. He swims over to Ash. “Bxtches be crazy, cutie.” he says, grinning. (Ash and Nyx might become a thing
Liam gets out and starts trying to get him in the pool
(OoOoOooOoOoo- I’m kidding)
Nyx snaps his fingers and it becomes slick where Jasper is standing. “This oughta be good.”
Liam and Jasper slip into he pool “SH-“
Nyx laughs. “Oh the perks of being devil spawn.”
Liam pokes out of the water “it..”
Andrew eventually hypes himself up and gets in the pool.
Jasper glares at Nyx, he suspects something
Nyx sees Jasper glaring at him and winks, pointing finger guns.
Liam jumps on Jasper
dragging him down into the water
Nyx laughs and heads over to Oliver. “Those two are gonna be such a cute couple.” Oliver laughs and sees Andrew, slightly blushing. “Ooh Oli got a crush.” Oliver punches Nyx’s arm. “Shut up, dīpshīt.”
Hello darkness my old friend...
sorry I had internet problems =w=
Liam heard Nyx say couple and thought “Wait is he talking about us? We’re not a couple are we? I mean we have kissed a few times but I was drunk and the other time Ava forced it. What?! When?! How?? oh frick I’m drowning.” Liam swam to the surface
Jake stands in a shady corner watching Liam
sTaLKeR jAKe
Liam glances over to the corner Jake is standing in and gets creeped out
Liam thinks “Wot da hecc..”
Nyx gets out of the pool and walks over to the available seating, wrapped up in a towel. For a brief minute, his eyes glow red without him realizing it.
henlooo ;w;
Liam gets out of the pool and only dips his feet in and Jake watches from the corners
Liam is getting unsettling vibes from Jake and soon Jake approaches
“Hey-“ “NOPE!” Liam jumps into the pool
Nux sees Jake and frowns, reading how s mind.
The thing is Jake just wanted to say hi ;w;
Jake just heads back to the corner awkwardly
Liam made a 😤 face
Ash looks at ver at Nyx, slightly staring
(OooOoOoOo- no, I must stop myself)
Liam goes under the water like a crocodile 🐊
(imma make it a thing. watch me)
(Yesh ÙwÚ
Liam swims over to Jasper “Hey!” “Hi. Jake bother you again?” “Yep..”
henlo? ;w;
🎻 😞
Jake laughs slightly at the two fighting
Nyx watches the chaos, taking it in and laughing. He gets Oliver to sit next to him and they laugh together. Andrew sees Nyx sitting with Oliver and feels sad, so he hangs towards the back. If only he knew that they were merely good friends
Liam backs away slowly “I’m just gonna...”
Jasper eats his popsicle watching the whole thing
I’m a savage (yuh)
I don’t know the rest of the song ;w;
Liam sits in the ledge chatting with Jasper
Oliver climbs out of the pool to get some chips and sees Andrew. “Oh hey! Sorry I didn’t see you arrive. I’m Oliver.” They grin at Andrew. “I-uh-Im Andrew.” He manages to stutter out