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I posted this yesterday. Is it pritssy?
Hey Alyssa.
Congrats!! 😂😉😄😆🙂🙃😋😘😝😜😏✨🎀🎁🎊🎉🎈
I wish I had a phone..😔
My mom wants me to get a phone, but my dad isn't sure about it. He doesn't want me texting all day. I had an iPod, but I was texting too much, so my mom toke it away..Sad, right? SHE NEVER GAVE IT BACK, SINCE THE BEGINNING OF 5TH GRADE!! 😅😅
Why aren't you on your old account? You forgot the password, didn't you? 😋
Please check your email. Thanks in advance! 😘😘
no sarah now I can prank call Cooper all day whoop see door right?
oops I meant no problem not no sorry
of whoop dee doo not door ugh 👿
Prank call Cooper, like you do. You gotta get his phone # first. Cooper has a PicCollage account. His username is cooperb. It's okay!! Chill. 😆 No problemo!