Collage by ihatedahlia


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honestly you need to grow up🙄•Layla•
why spend your time on someone you dont like ¿ it makes no sense
it's sad and pathetic really
back off of her. she has a great personality and is really nice. and I trust her with my boyfriend. and she doesn't seem like the type of person to do the whole cheating thing
fûck off
honestly you need to stop, she has lost enough, emma.
you already messed up the most important friendship^ so good job, she is suicidal stop
not 12, I'm 19 and by the way this is about 20 of us but you can go get a life now;)
can you like stfû and leave her alone?
bahahahahhaa make me bîtch
lmâo, you seem so bûtt hurt about a virtual relationship tbh.
so you're saying it was in real life then?