Btw, I'm a girl


Btw, I'm a girl

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comment all your questions to moiiii
thanks for the follow :)
I’m sorry I can’t give advice :( I don’t have experience with this type of thing
even tho I haven’t done that yet it’s totally normal not to know and to like girls. just know that your totally normal in every way
it’s ok choose who ever you like!
also have you tried searching it up
this kind of stuff can be really confusing especially if you don’t even have experience really dating. When i had my first crush of the same gender i felt the same way. honestly there’s no right answer when it comes to this kinda stuff it sounds to me like you like her but i don’t really know. sometimes you can say to yourself i like this person as a way of seeing how that sounds out loud or if you agree with
most of the time it’s hard to reach out to others with this kind of stuff
yeah no problem i’m glad i could help out 💛
I’ve never been in a relationship, and growing up in a religious home, it’s hard for me bc I have thought abt liking girls (I’m a girl) and I have to ask myself if I’m actually attracted to them or if I like the idea of dating someone who is my gender/sex. it’s very confusing, but maybe experiment. I know that sounds weird but I’ve heard of people that it helped.
your fine liking the same gender. there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that
hey I would love to talk to you about this and tell you my story