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*is unaffected* noice
cosmo:DANR ITT *giggles and wraps around u* how've u been bud? Stary:Hoi love ^
*meows* hewwo
cosmo:*somehow loses grip around u and falls * OH SHÌT- owww Stary :XD
*hugs cosmo and swishes tail back and forth* mew
cosmo:thanks pal :3 *wraps around u and wraps around around ur neck from behind**has been weak for the past few days*
swip:helloooo I'm like a whisp ghost thing if that counts
*wants to help* mew..
cosmo:hehe :3 *pets u*
nameless:Jesus where are all these ghost oc's coming from
*sits down and purrs*
*is a fox girl so i'm not a ghost*
nameless:I am a ghost
nameless:I just don't know where I came from
(i have like two ghost oc's)
(and i don't think they're really ghosts)
*is being pet* *falls asleep*
(OML let me meet them)
Cosmo:THIS IS SO VIOLENT ITS THE BEST THING EVER *throws a lamp at admin*. Stary:*curls up in a ball*
*is inside of stary's ball* mew
(they're not ready yet..)
(but if you want to know then look at my last edit)
*the ball starts to spin*. nameless:wt f is happing
*is a dizzy fox* m-mew
Why are we spinning! ?
*is still inside of stary's ball* *tries to say i dunno*
*passes out from dizzy*