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hiii I’m Ophelia 🩷
Grant left for good
im good!!
I did ~plays with my bracelet~ I think we should talk so you know what’s going on and you have every right to be mad at me
I’m not coming back. I left because I thought you guys had left and I had gotten the chance to see my boys I had with my ex husband and it was great he had admitted he missed me and I admitted I had missed him too. I joined the insta account that Anika has and my ex and I are talking again I know what I did is wrong and I didn’t wait to talk to you about it and I’m sorry and I totally understand if you won’t let me see coast and Cora again
~plays with my bracelet still~ two or so weeks ago
~nods a little~ yeah
~looks away and tears up~ I’m sorry.
no it’s not I told myself I never wanted to ruin things with you and here we are I’m about to get back with my ex husband ~gets up and wipes my tears~ I’ll just go
please text me back… I’m a-sorry….
heheh i did too
I’m sorry I’ve just been going third a rough time and I’m just putting it out on everybody I’m sorry
no it’s not
~nods~ will you still let me see the babies
no i relapsed a couple days ago and ever since I’ve been hard on myself and I’ve just been alone and i really really needed someone but you wearnt here but i understand why but I just I’m just c clingy and I didn’t wanna lose you
he won’t he’s really nice he treats Koda and Z like his own
I’m sorry
im good, how is daddy?
hi this is paisleys sister she’s not on right now she’s not feeling well at all
thats so good!
they are aren’t they
you’ll have coast and Cora for a while I’m going out of town with Carter for his baseball
can I say goodbye to them I leave on Wednesday
I can bring them by if you want
yep see you soon ~picks up z and koda~
recent is pending
~puts them in the car and gets in myself making sure I have your sweatshirt that I still have~
it’s pending
okay luv
yeah she’s doing great and it’s fine I get people need and break and I’m sorry for the late reply
I’m sorry if you h8 me but I’m staying and I’d love to be with you but i understand if you don’t
is it okay if I bring the gifts I got for coast for his birthday since I won’t be in town when it’s his actual birthday
alright I’ll be there soon
~gets there and gets the kids out~
yes i would love to!!
I’m not to much?
I miss you too
~walks to the door and makes sure I have everything ~
~takes my ring off and puts it in my shorts and knocks~
yeah I’m sorry about that ig she wasn’t really over her ex husband.
yep from what I saw they were doing it a lot the first couple days they were back together
~hands you the sweatshirt I had~ here
I’m so sorry this happened
i really dont care tho daddy
yep~nods and picks up Koda~. ~hides face~
I have a couple friends who are single if you wanna talk to one let me know
~plays with his curls~ it’s okay buddy you know who he is. ~waves a little~ hi
you have a couple to pick from. there’s Kamri she loves to draw and paint and she has a daughter named Makaiah who’s 4 years old. next we have Adeline she loves to read and loves dogs and the beach. then we have Luna. she’s more of the quiet type at first but she opens up after a while and she’s really nice
Z is behind me she’s being shy as well ~holds onto mums leg and peaks around and sees you going back~. ~hides face~
why are you two stink bugs being shy ~looks out at you and begins to move from behind me~. ~yawns~k
ooopps commented on my own post but she’s on
doesn’t have a bio yet
~nods~ harwe. mommy I tired
~watches you and her~ she still doesn’t know how to say Charlie yet. ~walks into your arms~. ~lays head on your shoulder and falls asleep~
h-h-hi (I can send a pic on me for you to comment on )
~fixes her hair~. wiss you woo. ~sleeps~
~smiles a little and holds Koda~. ~nods~ wuv you too.
awww thank you so much ~blushes shyly~
~looks at her and then koda~. ~holds on~
I’m okay hru (mind if I see what you look like)
~watches you for a second~. ~holds onto you~
where’s the bathroom here ~looks at you~. ~holds on and falls asleep~