I wish I could do that.


I wish I could do that.

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that’s a really good look on life ♥️
that’s true about sunflowers except it’s not true that you can’t do that, I know you can look on the bright side because you can do anything. you can do it if you believe you can. think of all the happy memories you have and people that make you happy, then believe in yourself. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!!! 😉
me too
yeah same
Hey 👋 just wanted to let you know you're following a hatepage I'm sure it was an accident and that's totally ok but please unfollow them asap they are called ROSES-_SUCKS tysm 💕
I would love if you joined my Icon Contest. I can’t wait to see what you guys create! DEAD LINE: JANUARY 11, 2019
you are AMAZING caro
Ik things are hard
believe me I KNOW
you can tell me about ANYTHING
You and Jace seemed to be friends... wanted to tell you he’s not here anymore.. I’m sorry//Jaxion
I need someone to talk to plz tell me your on
he unplugged the machine that gave him the stuff he needed to live when nobody was in the hospital room with him