Really bored Wanna talk


Really bored Wanna talk

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hi Katie
what do you want to talk about
what are you doing
hi Kylie
r u going to Dimitri bday
Koop said u were
why not kaleis is going
he didn't invite me
are you
she is
there was no invite so he just said anybody can com and I'm guessing it's at 6:00
he didn't say I could come
I'm not it would just be awkward me being the only weird whit girl there so if there was a invite my parents would let me go
so yea
that would be wired if I went
same here
plus I am tired I had a basketball game and we won we have won too times today we went against the wildcats next week we are going against the dogs that Dimitri team I am scared for next week
what are you doing
are you still on
do you think Chloe went
I mean is going
going were
she should be at k house
I got an invite
I didn't go tho but he said it's a all go party
but I had a cheer competition so I couldn't go it was in Greenville