Collage by Pegasister_blue


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really? don't worry, whichever thing you are confused about is going to solve, Me and many more are willing to help if you need it
don't worry, sometimes it is even useful
yep, you think anout thing more carefully and helps with choices
*about things*
np! just don't over think things either
I hope my "advice" was useful
thanks to you! you always give me a reason to smile
I guess it really is nice to live your life if you have people like you in it
btw, I really liked your edit
yours too!!! 💕
arigato!!! I can't wait to see more of your drawings I really liked the last one
I would love to work in something related to drawings
I know, I would just love to be a manga artist
really?! thanks!!!, I think I might post a drawing later, should I ?
np! I just love to draw even if I am not that good
I am so happy!!!
And I just can't tell (I don't even know)why when I talk to you
That I get really happy when you talk to me, you are not dumb 😆
same here, it is fun when we talk
Imagine if we talked in rl, where would we talk? when? XD, don't take me too serious
yeah, Wich place you dream to visit?
Japan,Paris, Australia and London
I know it is going to be expensive
So I need to get a good job, but I am a lazycow
sometimes I have the slight feeling that the world is against me
but you don't suck
you are one of the most important and amazing people I have ever known
the next time you are going to say you suck is over my dead body
No I should be the one apologizing, I didn't know you were having a bad day, sorry, I hope things work out, 💛
np! Can you excuse me for 10 mins plz?
nope, I am back
I posted my drawing already, thx for the comment btw 💛
You should post drawings too!!! 💕
Ok, lets improve together!!! 💕
They are not bad!!!
me too!!!