Chat page?


Chat page?

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thanks for following me I'm new to this app
my names Lucy sometimes people calls me LucyLu
wanna be friends?
cool , I don't mean to freak you out or anything just wondering how old you are ?
lol I'm 12 on December 2 I'll be 13
thank you
My names Lucy
thx I love your name
your welcome
I like cats going shopping sitting in my room playing my iPod or making crafts
I'm not aloud to have a phone until I'm 16
my parents don't think I need a phone yet because I don't need to call anyone and they said I'll always be with Someone who has a phone
I want a phone though because when wifi isn't working you have service
yeah my brother and sister get a phone next year
We get along some but not always
how are you
Good what about you ?
tired but good 💤
want to be friends?
so what's your name. mines becca
Mines Lucy
that's pretty!
Thank you
well I'll talk some more tomorrow I'm gonna go to bed now. bye have a good night.
sweet dreams