You're Worth More Than Gold


You're Worth More Than Gold

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✨You're Worth More Than Gold✨sorry for not posting much lovies! I have been pretty busy with school, homework, and hanging out with my friends when I get a chance! please understand that I cannot post 3 collages everyday. I will try my best to post atleast once a day but if I do not please understand, piccollage is amazing but it is not my life so I do have other things that are required. This is a priority. I love you guys💗 here's a question for you to answer! what's your favorite class in school so far if you have started? mine is Spanish😊
lol tl😂 I was typing a meaningful comment and you beat me to the comments😂
Heyyyy, my favorite subject is language arts! And, we understand you can't post, I have a ton of homework 💜 I know, I know we'll be sad since you won't be posting as much, but we will always stand by you. 💘
sorry. lol. but school and family always come first before my social media.
thanks Vanilla_Cream! (: I love language too! and I will try to post like 4-5 collages during the weekends to make up for it! MAYBE😂
sorry typo I meant *VanillaCream please forgive me
this slays😍
Hahahhaha TL😂
and awe thanks 😘
Everyone makes mistakes it's okay!
😍BTW lived your outfit!
tysm girly🙈🙈
I think this must be one of my favourite collages of yours yet✨this collage is worth gold✨
awe omg! thank you so much😘
Mine is Spanish too😂
haha lol😂
lol okay
it's okay
this is beautiful👏✨
thank you so much!!
Hey Minty!💕😘🌸 wassup!? :) this collage has inspired so many on my page😂😂💕💖💁🏼👑💦
lol thanks😂😂
NO😂 omg I love you😂😂😂