Collage by Luther1110


1 6
are you sure everything is fine
*walks away*
(I'm commenting on the thing let continue rp here)
*dog starts run* HELP
AHHHH *being dragged by dog*
*gets control back runs over to you tries to wake you up *
*shakes you*
*grabs phone out of pockets dials 911*
your awake... your in the hospital
it's true
y-you passed out
what's wrong...
what's with the screaming....
but my wasn't allowed in the hospital...
NURSE!!! *nurse runs in sees katlyn is screaming and walks out*
*grabs you by the wrists and runs* WERE GETTING OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!
*falls over*. Why'd you let go
*walk out the hospital care free*
I should get going bye! *heads home
~the next day~
*sees you under the tree*
*thinks i shouldn't wake her*
*screams* HELLO it is 7:00 in the morning
I'm fine..... *has a red hand print on face*
huh... it doesn't hurt anymore...
whatever I'm not going to over think it
so umm.. d-do you nap under trees at 7:00 often
w-what?! well umm... erm.. I got it! you can stay with me! I live a small apartment up the street!
yeah! come on follow me *runs toward the apartment building*
okay *laughs*
what's going *is getting soaked*
the...the rain ... it's not raining on
never mind... was probably just imagining things.. hahaha
what the heck?!????
follow me*runs home*
*sitting on couch watching tv*
Umm.. I have a pullout couch that should do for tonight and Wilk look for a bed tomorrow
uhhh *opens up fridge is empty* let's run down to the grocery store
oh hold on a sec *grabs spare key to the apartment* here you go
*walking to the store still raining*
*not noticing the rain stopped* didn't you say you liked the rain?
yay the rain stopped *just noticed*
*at the store* soooo what do you want
*heading home* yay we got the bed, mattress, and sheets. now we need to set it up☹️
blah i
welp I'm going to set up the bed *starts to set up bed*
*dosent notice that it was built that fast* wow thanks!
*alarm clock goes off* ugHgughhb I want to sleeep
*screams* what's going on is there a fire or something?!??!
what?! *turns off alarm clock*
that's my alarm clock..... it the only that can wake me up...,
what do u want to eat
okay how do you want them (scrambled eggs, hard boiled etc..)
*starts to make eggs*
huh? what?!
that a T.V *turns on tv*
*hands you remote for the tv* here see what's on the TV
eggs are done!
here you go
yay sorry if there not the best
soooo what should we doooooo
*grabs leash for dog*
*walking through the park* so how did you end up homeless?
*stares blankly then scream* What that so cool!!!
wut.. the my dog isn't biting you *dog is not even near you*
huh... it's storming but there wasn't a cloud in the sky earlier...
I'm going home my dog hates thunder... see you there.. I'm going to start making lunch
*starts to go to the apartment
*walking home sees boy wonders who is that*
*teleports Lucy home*
*finally home* Katelyn are you here?
yeah *yawns*
*looks out the window wonders about the boy she saw*
yeah *looks at clock* ok I think we should get to bed it's 11 *lays in bed and pretend to sleep*
okay sleep well...
w-wh-what *sees fire* OMG *gets water puts fire out*
*turns on light* are you okay?
but the fire is gone RIGHT?!
*screaming* OMG *gets water* WHeRE is THE FiRE?!?????
*dumps water on fire still screaming*
is it gone *breathing heavily*
*shakes you* wake up wake up!!
*grabs phone about to dial 911*
*calls 911* (next day) Katelyn your in the hospital... I don't know if you can hear but please be okay...
you're okay!! They said you should be able to go home later today!
what? oh the fire... it's fine the apartment is fine and we made it out alive so.. I'm just glad you're okay!
nope! we have to throw the blankets though...
what the... Katelyn... *walking home from the hospital sees the strange boy again*
*at home* where's katelyn *goes to look for you*
*mumbles* where is she?
*sees you sleeping wakes you up* hey! Where were you? I was so worried!
what? why? *sees Lawrence* Who is that?
please go the apartment I don't like seeing you sleep outside... I'm going to find out who that kid is *walks up to Lawrence*
*screaming @ Lawrence* WHO R U?!??!
what I want to know now(Lucy is STUPID and STUBBORN)
<the next day>
*now screaming repeats what she said*
holy shhhhheit
*about to pass out*
I'm going go find him talk him because this is coooool
(again Lucy is dumb)
what's going on *Lawrence shows up*
h-hello *lucy is scared*
(jack isn't a demon he's an angel XD)
*at store Lucy runs into a wall gets a bloody nose* Ouch! o
okay thank for healing me... what's should we get to eat?
*blushes* Ummm.. I think I forgot something... hehe *runs away*
okay *thinks oh shoot*
everything looks good...
I think I'll get that to
h-hi jack
-yes I saw the bio- okay les go
wait wut?
WHAT *trues to run away but remembers you have magic*
*lucy is walking in front of the group*
okay why?
What? Really?!
*jack heard everything* Sooooooo want to go the apartment?
wanna know something funny. Katelyns a demon and your a angel.
funny right? he-he *lucy thinks: I screwed up didn't I*
okay bye jack * heads home*
I'll get it *opens door* hi jack
come in jack. also before you say anything katelyn and Lawrence this my apartment so can invite want
sorry for being rude to you guys. so jack why are you here?
*lucy sits on couch turns on tv*
*blushing* w-what
I like you to jack
omg *gets phone to call ambulance*
*is about to dial 911*
uhmm sure
huh? wut just happened *falls asleep *
*groans* uh-what why did you wake me...
whats going on?
*falls back asleep*
-the next day-
*jack makes food and leaves* so ummmm... what happened last night?
whats wrong?
uhh you told me that last night, and it's awesome. but what were you going to say?
what are you thinking of doing...
*lucy is confused* what
WhAt OmG YeS
uhhh sure
*pulls out phone* oh jack texted me
*asks jack about the double date* Jack- sounds great
he said yes!!
*opens door* hi
*aks him about the double date*
blue diner
*walking to blue diner*
*at blue diner*
sounds good
umm... hi