


21 5
hi *waves*
Hi *Waves back*
your really pretty (so is everyone on that account)
Thanks! *Smiles*
Now the guys are saying they are pretty princesses! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Poor Alaska is crying her eyes out tho
aww i hope she stops crying soon
I don't know if she will, she loved Mya. I am just worried she will cut.
no no no don't cut,it hurts way to much and it's not gonna help the situation
Her being her she might... It scares Jake because he hates it when she cuts
at least he cares
if someone's there with her I don't think she'll do it,she just needs help getting through it
She might, we are all trying to help her
well this is a death,good things always come out of it,maybe she will find her familiar because of this death
Alaska's mom is going to let Alaska get a new dog
well if she starts dreaming about an animal then that might be the one that's gonna help her through this,sorry if I sound crazy or really weird
It's fine, we are all crazy and weird
everyone is in their own way
well how's everyone's day been so far
Everyone's was great, except Alaska
oh that's good to hear accept for the last part,sorry I was doing something
Ots fine
can I just say it's so cold in Alaska right now 😩
It is cold in Minnesota rn too
at least it hasn't got to 50 below this winter
Nope, and it won't
*Laughs* it is supposed to be warmer this winter
yeah that's what people say every winter haha
does anyone in that account have line?
it's a like texting app
No we don't
dang it,I would like to get to know u guys,your pretty cool for the part I know
Thanks, you are pretty cool too
doubt it
Hi Olivia, cool name