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Just not feeling so great is all.
Thanks for asking love 😘
*tries to make you stop crafting* WHY IS ARE YOU FEELING WELL *starts crafting now*
I don't make sense k
it's supposed to say "WHY ARE YOU NOT FEELING WELL?"
Just... my friend had to move away and then some other friend visited my school today (she moved away too); my other sort-of friend was basically being the meanest person ever... and she hates on Dan and Phil every single day πŸ˜‘
well tbh,I've never watched Dan and Phil but they sound very crazy..
You should watch them, I'll remix one of your collages with the first video I saw
oh and sorry what happened.😭we all get that feeling one time.Last year my 2nd grade Besties both moved away this year...Now that I'm in 6th I don't know what to do.the good thing is that I have new besties.dont worry everyone has that problem.
Aww thanks love you're too sweet, that sounds really sad... I'm in 6th too so I guess we're all going through similar drama
yea..it's really sad..😭😭
Don't craft, cry! Wait.. No but seriously I'm so sorry that you've been separated from your friends 😒
I will, Cassie! Thanks for being so supportive, love!
6th grade has DRAMA written all over itπŸ™ŠπŸ˜±πŸ˜€