Dining Room Chat for Task One! Make sure you enter the other things too!


Dining Room Chat for Task One! Make sure you enter the other things too!

9 2
Princess Serena walked into Waterfire, so many new people had joined. Serena had been very busy training to be queen, but she managed. After all, she was super excited to see her boyfriend too. She walked into the dining room and took a seat.
Prince Matthew had followed his sister into the dining room and sat across from her. With all the the new people, he hoped to find the one.
Oceania walked in and took the farthest seat away from the royalty.
Hey! Serena said with a smile. I'm assuming your one of the new mermaids to Waterfire?
yup! Jess said with a smile
what's your name? she's said to Serena
"Cool! Good luck during the tournament!" Serena said, then she tapped her fingers on the table, "So what do you like to do as a hobby?" she asked
I'm Serena, the princess of Pearlia
I love archery, I can do martial arts and I sing! Jess said. what about u? she asked
oh and are you turning 18 this year? Jess asked with curiosity
Oh my gosh! Same! Well...when I don't have to do my studies for queen. Serena said rolling her eyes at the thought of it, "Maybe we can go shoot after dinner?"
Yep. Serena said.
oh my god!! yes!
Serena smiled, this was a start of a new friendship// Matthew on the other hand, was having the worse possible time ever. All his friends graduated last year and now there were only 1 or 2 other merman.
Coral swam into the dining room with her notebook in her hand. "Hello, I'm Coral." She said as she sat next Serena. She started writing in her notebook and grab some sea drink.
Jessica smiled back. "hey who's that?" she pointed to Mathew
"My cousin Lia can't come, she has the ocean Flu.
That's my brother, Prince Matthew.
"hey coral!! I'm Jessica" she smiled to coral
"Hi, I'm Serena! I'm sorry your cousin is sick. Good luck on the tournament!"
my sister used to have ocean flu *sighs* it was sooooo annoying *rolls eyes*
"Thanks." She quietly said. She silently chewed on the coral taco.
Matthew sat up straight to be more...prince-like before talking to his sister's new friends, "Hello, how are you girls this evening?" He said with his charming voice
Jessica smiled at coral. 'are you ready for the tournament?' she asked
looks at Mathew, smiles, "we are absolutely perfect" she tries to talk in a royal voice but fails, I'm Jess, good luck for the tournament"
Matthew smiles, then chuckles, "I'm going to let you have a chance at the tournament....after all, two kingdoms would be hard to run," he said with a smile
"Yeah, I guess." Says Coral.
"so Serena wanna go shoot some arrows? and coral you can join us too! do you know how to do archery? you can join us if you like Mathew" she smiles at all of them
"sure, why not."
*rolls her eyes at mathew* *laughs* sure
Hey, what about me? I can shoot! The name is Ellissie, by the way.
Matthew shrugged, "Sure"// Serena smiled, "Yes!! Let's go!"
I'm Jess. she smiles at ellisise
come shoot with us. This is coral, this is Mathew and this is Serena
Serena lead them outside of the giant castle, "This is our archery range!" She said pulling out her bow.
"whoa!" Jess said, she was amazed. the archery range was so big "this is the BEST day!"
she said as she pulled her bow and arrow out
Serena smiled before notching an arrow and shooting. She smiled at the results.
"haha cool!" she saw Serena, she pulled the arrow and let it shoot. she smiled "I've been practicing archery for years and I love it so much"
"Me too. There's an archery team here....you'll probably get in if you tried out!"
"no, actually?" she laughed "YES!" she said.
Matthew notched an arrow and shot. He hadn't done archery in ten years, he didn't know how this would turn out.
The arrow ended up hitting blue. He smiled, maybe he wasn't as bad as he thought.
Jess looked at Mathews shot, she smiles, "whoa, you are so good!"
"Thanks, but not as good as you!" He said with his regular charming smile
Ellissie grinned at the rest of the group's results. " Well, I guess I should shoot now, then." she giggles. Loading up the bow, the laughing puts her off balance, so she stops and swaps her expression with a solemn one.
She lets go of the arrow and it flies through the water, before stopping a mile in front of the target. "I'm sorry, this is nothing like shooting at the shells I use as targets back home!"
Coral runs out and does a running shot. "Bullseye!"
Serena still smiled. "It's okay! Just keep trying!" Serena said encouragingly.
Serena started to laugh, "Yass you go girl!"
Coral plays around with her necklace, The others eyeing her suspiciously.
"Is everything okay?" Serena asked
blushes at Mathew "whoa! good shot"
"hey coral what's that?" Jess asked
Matthew smiles, before his face drops, "Is everything alright?"
"It was the last thing my mom gave me before she died. It gives me the power to control the sea whenever I need it. I haven't used it yet though."
"No...way...." Serena said before stuffing her own necklace into her shirt nonchalantly.
Matthew gasped too...before taking Serena over to the side.
"whoa.."Jess says as she hides her necklace in her tail. (look in the dorms remixes guys)
"huh...wierd...." she mutters to herself.
Serena started tearing up..."Matthew it's her..."
"oh my god....this can't...be....I..uh...have to go..." she looks at coral then Serena then Mathew
"Wait a second..." Serena said catching Jessica's necklace. "Matthew...they're BOTH home," Serena said crying into her brother's shoulder.
"uhh..wait..what?" "no give that back!" she said. "wait..."
"Jessica, when was your 18th birthday?" Serena called out to her.
hi guys! sorry I'm late.. I was just finishing my outfit
a memory flashes between Jessica's and corals eyes
what did I miss..?
in March Jessica said
"March." Said Coral.
"Coral and Jessica...come inside now"
Jessica looked at coral in shock...."whoa"
Coral walked with Serena/Matthew.
Jessica followed them inside
"What is it?"
Ellissie cried "wait, what? that can't... that's not... oh..."
"I am so confused", Coralline said trying to make out what she just saw.
"yeah, I'm confused" Jess said
"So... how are you guys doing?" she said trying to change the topic.
(Jenn and Anna, go to the next chat page. Others can read it, just please don't comment)
I'm confused..If I'm I threat, I'll leave.. I'm sorry, whatever I did!"
"no coral!" "something big is up and we need to figure it out"
"So is everyone else just super special? and now I'm talking to myself..." she said disappointedly.
"Well self, do you wanna go play hide and go seek in the seaweed?" Coralline said sarcastically. "Sure, why not!"
"Coralline, I'm with you here, I guess..." Ellissie was reluctant to stay, but her mind willed her to find out more. "you are Corraline, yeah? I'm Ellissie."
"Yes I'm Coralline. And apparently I'm not very special", she groaned.
"Hey guys! I'm back," Serena said
" Well I'd like to practice archery, but I don't really think I'm ready to be alone in a strange place..." She murmured, hopefully loud enough for Coralline to hear
"Guys!! Don't be upset!! You are special, and I'm here for you"
"Really? I'd love to come! Archery is one of my favorite things!" she responded a little too cheerfully.
Serena followed them even though it was the first day, and she seemed to make everyone upset,"
"Oh that.. no big deal. I'm here for you too if you ever need me", she said with a smile.
"And, well, I guess I'm not too special either, but what's wrong with that?" she had an idea, and wanted to take action. " We can just make ourselves special. We'll do something great, like become the fastest or the best at something really cool!"
She smiled, "Come on guys let's go! Jess and Coral need some um alone time,"
"Oh, hey Serena. You can join in, but I don't think you need to. You're like, the most special, like ever." she sighed at the thought
"Okay! I've always wanted to beat a whale in a race..."
"Guys...um....I'm sorry, but you guys are SPECIAL!! You got specially chosen to compete in the tournament!"
"Yeah", Coralline said with a laugh. "You're soooooo cool!"
"And I'm so excited! Ughh I can't wait!"
Serena instantly felt left out and swam back to the castle
"Well, can we still do the whale thing? I mean, it's a great idea.... and y'know I'm a little.. stressed. I need to loosen up. And for the record, so did loads of other people. I wanna be unique. I wanna be different." She started swimming away eagerly. "C'mon Coralline. You can come too Serena. I'm sorry, I guess. Its just nerves. I don't feel good at anything anymore. not compared to you. I can't even hit a darn target."
"Serena?" She called and hoped her voice could reach the girl. "Wait, I'm sorry! Really I am!"
"If you need stress relief, whale will do the trick. We sometimes sing together!" she said trying to encourage Ellissie.
"Why'd Serena leave?"
"She felt left out. I thing we should get her before we see the whales." She replied. "But, the only thing is, I don't know where she went."
Serena didn't want to interfere with anything else. She shouted, "You guys, go ahead!"
Ellissie started to call out to Serena, and told her to come back, told her they needed each other. Then, she started to look, and swum every which way.
"Okay, bye Serena!" she shouted slightly disappointed that she couldn't come.
"Serena? Wait, where am I? Coralline?" She was frantic. "HELP MEeeeeee?"
"Ellissie? I can hear you but I can't see you!" she said frantically.
She stopped swimming and gave up, sitting on a small rock. She sobbed for what felt like hours.
Serena heard a voice, "Hello?!"
"I don't know where I am!"
Runs into dining room* I'm sorry!!! i was late!!!
After swimming for what felt like forever, Ellissie came into view. "Ellissie!" Coralline screamed.
"Ellissie! Are you okay?"
" Serena, is that you? I'm lost, and I'm scared, really really scared!"
" Can we go back? Please?"
"I think I can see your tail! Wave it!"
Serena swam around trying to find Ellissie.
She waves her tail enthusiastically, splashing a small crab who doesn't look very amused at Ellissie's antics
"Yup, that's you! Can you see me?"
Serena came across a sea cave and saw a mermaid in it, "Ellissie!!"
*looks around* hello? anyone
"Yeah, I think I can! I'm coming, please don't move!" She swims towards a figure which looks exactly like Corraline, but is puzzled when Serena is there first.
Ellisse? Anyone?
Serena nodded before helping her.
*Swims to corner* I don't belong here *cries*
But, suddenly Serena disappeared.
a tide pushes Coralline away. "Help!" her word are muffle by the roaring tide. She grabs on to a sharp point coming out of the sand.
Matthew walks into the dining room, to see a mermaid, "Hey, you're a bit later for dinner!" he said with a charming smile
I- I was lost
the tide slowly faded away. "Ughh", she groans. "What is this?" she asks observing the point.
Serena returned all of a sudden and grabbed coralline
"Ahhhh! Serena, where are you?" She is suddenly aware of her surroundings, and seems to know that she is not at the west of the school. Then, she spots a figure which really is Coralline this time clinging on to a small, sharp stone. "I'm coming!"
"What!" she gasped. Serena grabbed her and pulled her up.
"I'm not sure, let's go back to the castle," she said grabbing Coralline and Ellisse
"Guys, does anyone know what that was? It wasn't a stone, it was metal!"
Serena, Coralline, and Ellisse head back to the castle to see Matthew, Rosie, and Turesa waiting at the dinner table.
"Thanks", she replied slightly embarrassed.
"I really don't know, maybe you were just tired and hallucinating. Let's get back."
"Hi, did you guys just get here?" Coralline asked.
"Ummm so what do you guys like to do?" Rosie awkwardly sits there
"Hey guys! I think I'm going to go finish unpacking, but I'm Ellissie." She swims off.
"I love to race, explore, dance, sing, all that stuff".
Ellisse? we share a dorm"
"Bye Ellissie!"
"Well...that's a LONG story of what just happened, but yeah...I'll be right back"
"That's such a pretty name! I'm Coralline."
"Hey, yeah we do!" she says. "it's Rosie, right? Well, you can come if you like. We can chat there!"
"I-I'm sorry I'm nervous" Rosie plays with her hair
"None of my roommates are here yet", Coralline said with a sigh.
"I would love to chat!"
"Hi I'm Serena," she said to Turesa.
I'm a merman, Matthew replied.
"I'm a mermaid" points to scales
"Hey Serena, can we talk?"
I'm a siren too! Serena says.
Sure...what's up?
"umm Matthew excuse me for I sec" Rosie grabs Turesas hand and goes to another room
"I'm almost positive that wasn't a rock. It was metal, and it had a jewel in it. I feel kinda weak now. Not the same. Any ideas?"
"Umm.." she didn't know how to respond. "No big deal".
Serena smiles, but then turns to Coralline, "That's....weird"
Can I have cherry jubilee.
"I think I'm gonna go to bed early. Goodnight", she says with a believable smile.
Sure! Serena passing her a giant plate.
"Tursa," hits head "I like Matthew"
Serena smiled, "Night Coralline!"
Where's mom?"
"mmmmmm this chocolate cake was delish" Jess said
"I'm going to go to bed" she said "goodnight"
"No we barely talked! he- he's just so charming and smart and" Rosie starts to daydream
Nvm. Going to bed.
"oh, hey Rosie! I'm Jess" Jess said
"Hi jess!"
"Mom is at home in the castle," Serena told Corla
"I'm gonna go see her."
"Ok, bye Coral!"
Serena over hears Rosie and Turesa talking, "YOU LIKE MY BROTHER??"
Coral used a water bubble to travel to the castle.
"Wha-what no?"
"OMG ROSIE THATS SO COOL!!!!" she says to Rosie.
"Really? but if he finds out who I really am he'll hate me" Rosie awkwardly walks back into the Dining room and sits next to Matthew
Jessica smiles at Rosie and Turesa "well I should say this too: OMG YOU LIKE MY BROTHER?!?!?!" she smiles at Rosie
"yep I'm Jessica and I'm a mermaid! nice to meet you" she smiles
"WAIT WHAT?!?!" Rosie screams
"oh no what happened?" Jess says
"haha I just recently figured out Serena and coral and Mathew are my siblings hehe"
as Coralline gets some water she overheard Jess and the queen. a tear falls down her face as she rushes to her dorm
Matthew secretly listens to the conversation, he smiles.
"yea...I actually don't know" Jess smiles
Serena laughed
"wait..are we...?" she asks Serena
"oh!" Jess looks at tures a and then says "your secrets safe with me"
Rosie starts crying and runs outside
Jess looks at Rosie, and follows her "oh no...what happened? is everything ok?"
"That's actually a good question....I'm not quite sure,"
"Hi guys", she said recovering from her brief meltdown. "I just woke up and I can't fall back asleep so I though I'd come back out here".
"do we look the same, Serena?" she said, confused
"Oh...are you okay?"
Matthew asked.
"Yeah...is everything okay?" Serena asked.
"Umm... yeah", she lied.
"Umm...I mean our face kind of looks similar?" Serena responded.
"coralline....what happened?" Jess asked
Rosie sits on her bed and keeps crying
"Umm... I just remembered a have to go check one my dolphins bye!" she rushed off before anyone could say anything else.
"haha no I mean do coral and me look almost the same? I don't know why but....haha....thing is that I'm really curious to find out if she's my twin or not" she says
"Okay Rosie it's ok you can just run away" Rosie keeps talking to herself
Jess follows coralline "hey...somethings up....are you feeling ok? just tell me...you can trust me" she says and goes back to the dinner hall
coralline found a nice rock to lay on and just thought for awhile. "Keeping this secret will be harder than I thought", she mumbled.
"Um...no not really?" Serena replied. "Plus, you're older then she is....I think....I'm pretty sure,"
all of the sudden coralline saw jess. "Oh no, someone followed me!" she thought.
Rosie screams so loud the entire building can hear
Serena smiled, "Of course, no nothing...not yet!"
(I got to go bye)
(okay bye!!)
Serena rushes outside, "Rosie?!"
Rosie looks up
"Is everything okay," Matthew asked following Serena.
"MATTHEW!!!" Rosie screams again
"Yes?" Matthew replied.
"H-h-hi!" Rosie let's another tear slide
"Hi Rosie," he said smiling. "Is everything okay?"
"I just got a call from my mom, I'm a princess" looks up "That's not all"
Ellissie swims in, puzzled. "I'm so, so sorry! I was just playing some songs on the piano, and I got really caught up. I heard the screaming, what happened? is everyone alright?" she realises nobody saw her enter
"And-and there's more"
"Whoa!" she said
"The ocean has a special heart cave in it which is where my kingdom is and it's in great danger"
"And we have to save it"
"oh wow...."
"well....lets go"
"Yeah" Rosie plays with her hair and stares at Matthew
She turns to face Rosie like everyone else.
"oh hey ellisise" Jess says
(k I'm gonna go now Byeee)
"I'm going to stay.." she says, turning to face the door again. "I mean, it's not like I can help. I'm not important or good at doing things or anything..."
then she leaves
Ellissie enters the room again and speaks in a quiet, hushed tone. "Please don't follow me. I'll be playing piano if you wonder why it's loud. not crying or anything..."
Rosie swims up to the roof and sits there singing
ellisise... Jess says
It starts to get dark
Matthew and Serena start walking around the castle. They didn't quite know what was going on.
From the top of the roof I can see Matthew "Matthew! hi!"
Matthew waved at her, before continuing to the archery range with Serena.
"I actally might do achrchery too!"
Serena watched as Rosie swam down from the top of the school. "Ok! Do you know how to shoot?" Serena asked.
Madi wondered outside, "She was a little late for dinner, so now she decided to hang out with the royalty...mainly Matthew...she may of had a slight crush on him"
"yeah" shoots and lands it right in the middle
Hey" Rosie, you're great!" she runs over
"I'm practicing here too! I think I'm going to try out, you?"
"same! I can't wait! did you hear the news?!?!" Rosie squeals
"About tryouts? Yeah! That's why I'm here, actually. I can only shoot shells, though.Like at home."
"No silly" Rosie giggles and punches you in the arm
"She's talking about how my brother MIGHT ask her to the dance!!" Serena said popping out of nowhere.
"Ah! Serena hi!" Rosie said nervously
"Hi Rosie," Serena said
"What's up?" Rosie popped candy into her mouth
"Nothing much...Matthew was wondering if you would like to go on a date after school tmr?"
"I- I'd love to!" Rosie turned around and squealed
(Wait is it actally like tomorrow or later today?)
(Whenever people finish entering this round)
(I don't think anyone else is gonna enter)
(Ok...task two will be up later today)
"Oh yeah. That. So cool...." She hurries round Rosie to get her arrows back "I have to.. uh... say hey to my fish... uh... Florence. Yeah, that's it. Florence the Fish."
She leaves
"What's up with her?" Rosie shrugs and keeps practiceing
"I...I don't know," Serena said trying to hold herself together.
"Serena, it's okay!" Rosie starts to cry too
Lonnie swam in. She always was fashionably late. She went up to a couple friendly looking girls. "I'm Lonnie! Nice to meet you. What are your names?" She was trying to be friendly
"I'm Coralline! Your my roommate!"
"Nice to meet you coralline! That is such a pretty name."
"Hi twin! I'm Rosie!"