woah, you're hot


woah, you're hot

18 1
oh! who's lukey got feelings forrrr? I wanna set you guys up!!
little offenders that I'm not in the bio but 🤷‍♀️
tell meeeee :( you can trust me boo xx
hmph :/
hey i'm Chloe
pretty pleaseeee
well I'm interested in who it isss
ew disgusting
tElL mE
mm that's gotta be hard :( do I know them?
is it Lara? 😱
give me a hinttt
pretty please? I won't tell :(
well she's very lucky, if anyone talks about her like that, I'm sure you'll get her x
maybe I'll talk to her for you, if you tell me whO shE iS
no don't goooo
hold up. you. like. me. ?
come on you know I need you right now :/
why didn't you tell meeee :(
mm I know.. anyway you're way too good for me okay? soph said it up there ^ there are better people , so much better. I'm a fat pregnant lump of unloveable hormones
you barely know me.. you don't know what you're getting yourself into Luke, but to be honest, neither does izaac.
^ shh okay soph not everyone needs to know 😂
Luke.. the first thing I need to do is find out whether izaac is still at his ex's house .
Blake said she wasn't on so he's gone out. ugh I wanna give up on everything.. you're the only good thing in my life right now
or maybe he slept w- no I'm shutting up
I thought the baby would bring me and him closer but I feel like he doesn't want anything to do with it..
oh I'm sorry is the receptionist called jasmine ? 😂
n-nothing. I'm going to just go throw up
please help me understand my emotions..
... I'm scared
if you do I'll cut your head off
read our conversation, total relationship goals 🙄
i-I'm going to be sick.. 'she tastes like sweets' oh god.. I.. i..
I can't do it.. kill me..
^ don't talk to him like that.. he's a better person than you right now.
I can't do it.. I need to die..
I love you too..
he's gone?
I don't understand what I did wrong..
I can't even drink to forget this..
can I.. 🔪
I just wasn't good enough. that's how I know I'm not good enough for you either.
please don't leave me.. I'm begging you..
f-fine.. I won't do anything for an hour.. but that's all I can promise..
I don't want a surprise.. I want you..
I can't handle two hours :(
I love you too.. send my love to your sister.. x
and your brother 👀
hey? what're you doing mister? x
aw boo.. but your sisterrr?
aw! how old is she?
aw bless her ❤️
yes sir?
yeah.. but if you don't like it , I can hide it x
🙈 oh my ❤️
it's all youuuu ❤️ but I'm full on daddy kink, I'll dial it down if you want
same ehe 🙈
anywayyy I'll let you spend time with your sister because I should be cleaning the house before my mum gets home x
I love you toooo i miss you :(
hi I miss you xx
you'll have to get used to my clinginess
you've not seen half of it handsome 😁
I don't know whether to do a bio or not :/
aw, well I'm not even in yours so hmph 😤
okaieeee, I don't know if I want to post right now because I feel like I might accidentally curse the shît out of izaac :(
he won't, he's got his head too far up Eloise's aśs
I'm a lucky girl x
not quite , but I definitely don't deserve all these wonderful people xx
what on earth would I do without you? x
I'm seeing some naked chest in this picture 😱
I was actually looking at your heart xx
I'm lucky to have you ❤️
I made my bioooo
hi daddy , I hope you were being legit when you said about us spending the whole night together because I'll probably wait up for you anyway, if not, that's okay. it just dawned on me that it all ended with izaac so fast, you swept me off my feet ❤️ I don't know, I guess I'm kinda down, he'd made so many promises about our future, and it's all gone now. but if this was going to happen I'm glad it happened before the baby came. I just wanted to thank you for today. you just took all the pain away. I'm not sure I'd be alive if I hadn't met you. I love you, missing you as always . xx
and like stay online forever because I can't deal with lifeeee
nooooo 😤 decorate it with my face ehe
it would be grOss but then you'd never forget me ehe
are you coming back on dada?
hi daddy ❤️
I need attention because I'm not going to have wifi all weekendddd
mm I'm leaving soon.. ❤️ I'll try and get on a bit
okay, bye daddy , I love you to the moon and back, stay safe xx
you okay..?
okay Luke I'm sorry but we can't be together, I don't trust anyone. thank you for being supportive but I'm not doing relationships anymore.