What do you all think about my huge quotes collage on my wall?

Also, I am thinking of selling my quotes as phone cases and posters, would anyone buy them? 

Thanks again for 1K, let's aim for 2K now:) xx



THANKYOU FOR 1K! What do you all think about my huge quotes collage on my wall? Also, I am thinking of selling my quotes as phone cases and posters, would anyone buy them? Thanks again for 1K, let's aim for 2K now:) xx -Dakota

64 1
That is awesome!! So creative! I am sure people would buy your phone cases!! a if I had a phone I would( but I don't 😓)
if you do, send me a picture! I would love to see it!
oh my goodness! TYSM for the spam!!!
congrats!! btw that collage in your room looks so cool! I honestly thought it was something of WeHeartIt or Pinterest 😂😍but well done for hitting 1K!! 😘💕
Aw thanks:)
I have that in my room too! but with my edits of course😂lol