im not fond of sharing my drawings but this one is for a contest and I need critical comments


im not fond of sharing my drawings but this one is for a contest and I need critical comments

195 0
it looks great, Kim
that's awesome like woah
better than me
that moment when a drawing looks better than you do ...πŸ™‚ that's really good.
you wanna fite?
that is amazing
@FlyingReindeer nothing looks better then you but thank you v much
you're very welcome πŸ˜‡
dude that is amazing
thank you !!
I really like this!
oh my gosh this is so beautiful
that's so good
this is amazing
how are you so good at drawing? like??? teach me your ways?!???
what the FRICK diddly this is amazing
this is everything!!! I love it❀️ your so good at drawing!!(:
this is amazing like outstanding like I'm just like 😯
this is actually amazing ❀️ I'm listening to YOUTH right now haha