i think everyone collectively agrees that 4th - 6th grade is the most cringe for ex. i had a lol randum!1!1 😂 sense of humor and my fashiOn was HORRENDOUS OH FÙÇK


i think everyone collectively agrees that 4th - 6th grade is the most cringe for ex. i had a lol randum!1!1 😂 sense of humor and my fashiOn was HORRENDOUS OH FÙÇK

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SO scanDALouS
in 6th grade there was a solid week when I wore neon pink and blue leg warmers over my jeans
in sixth grade i used to wear the cringiest earrings ex. gummy bears, zippers, those bff heart shìt things, FUDGDNIG PIZZA oh god why did i do that to myself
re: yes bc i though i was really cool and SOOOO RaNdUm and funny!1!1! :^)
i wanted to be friends with everyone in 6th grade and then i found out people fùcking suck lol so here i am
,also i made the stupidest fūcking jokes in 6th grade like even now, my humor's absolute garbage but back then it was like the garbage of the garbage
and i actually was addicted to patrick stump's legs like it was cr A ZY MAN