I'm actually really proud of this! XD! The original pic of the girl didn't have a shoulder, so I drew it in. The quote is some of my crâppy song writing!:)


I'm actually really proud of this! XD! The original pic of the girl didn't have a shoulder, so I drew it in. The quote is some of my crâppy song writing!:)

29 0
I feel like I haven't posted in forever!
this is so amazing!😆😍and what? how do you even do shoulders😂😅and ^ haha you literally posted yesterday😂😅💜
fabulous collage 💜💖🌹
you should be this is amazing!! I love it! (it’s also now my new screensaver)
1. that shoulder looks like it was there from the beginning it’s so good! 2. these 👏 lyrics 👏 are 👏 fantastic?
thank you so much☺️💜and you're welcome❤️❤️✨