Marshmello✨I feel like this one came out pretty cool, what do you guys think? Next collage: Kelli Berglund


Marshmello✨I feel like this one came out pretty cool, what do you guys think? Next collage: Kelli Berglund

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oh i had a few celebrity ideas lol hi don’t have to use them i’m j giving some random ones, emma watson, liam hemsworth, mrs beast😂, karl jacobs, chandler hallow, sara kaya, and claire rosinkranz
*sara kay’s
cool & Emma Watson
Okay thxs!
thanks for the sweet comment your so nice
Awe np :)
thxxxxxx oh another celeb you could do is tom felton(draco)
Ok thxs I'll add them to the list
thank you!
yes!! I loved them!!
yea i’d love to!
just lemme know when you want to, i’m outta school so i can do whenever lol i got time
and if you could make the chat page whenever your ready that’d be great!
Ok thxs! Maybe next week? Sorry my classes and homework are in the way of everything
me 4 life is actually my cousin no cap