I'm sorry

I feel like no one likes me on here, I never tried making friends on here bc I always think no one likes me and I'm sorry


I'm sorry I feel like no one likes me on here, I never tried making friends on here bc I always think no one likes me and I'm sorry

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lots of people like you, an honestly I came on pc to make friends as well, if you ever need to talk I'm here
I do like you
you don't have to be sorry for anything you've been an awesome child
i like you! i know making friends is hard and i can relate but you're still cool :))
I definitely like you!! You're a really cool person
aww I like you!! let's be friends!! (haha I know I'm awkward, but trust me look at all these people who want to be your friend!!)
No I really wanna be your friend and personally I consider you a friend and like you
I like you and I consider you one of my friends! I'll definitely be your friend if you want😊you seem really cool lets talk on pic collage every now and then 😂😂❤❤
np :)