Did I mention that Emma Watson is both my role model and celebrity crush 🤔


Did I mention that Emma Watson is both my role model and celebrity crush 🤔

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@caption SAME
Hello beautiful being! I know spam is hatable so I won't do it:) I just came here to tell you that you are amazing and to ask you for a favour: please love and be yourself , it doesn't matter what people think or say. Oh and thanks for existing btw. Have a wonderful day/night💙✨
^^thanks 😇
@caption um no shes mine
jk we're married we share
so how's this gonna work 🤔 I get Emma Wednesday through Saturday and you get her the rest?
jk we shouldn't treat women like property let them be free like swans
dude you're still as awesome as i remember
😇 oh thank you!
@caption same i love her so much,
how about we make her our rich roommate bc we're broke af
yes she pays for the takeout and we do the chores