I swear so much and I don't know why like I'm Not Warm But I Still Sweat So mUch But Not At My House Only Out in Public And do you know how frustrating it is when your friends say oh wow you're sweating a lot Yeah Thanks I DID NOT KNOW I WAS SWEATING LIKE


I swear so much and I don't know why like I'm Not Warm But I Still Sweat So mUch But Not At My House Only Out in Public And do you know how frustrating it is when your friends say oh wow you're sweating a lot Yeah Thanks I DID NOT KNOW I WAS SWEATING LIKE

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two words in and I've already made a typo *sweat
I WEAR SO MUCH DEODORANT BUT nOpe GOTTA SWEAT STILl also is this TMI I think this is TMI but I'm just angry right now about this it's not fun constantly having to worry about sweating like I would like to live my life without sweating so much please
I sweat so much too! That's why I wear white all the time so it doesn't show up but on my forehead!
don't feel bad i sweat a lot too . today at lax camp the coaches dumped a bunch of water on my friends and i heads bc "were too sweaty and needed to take a break" and they wouldn't let us play bc we're wet and arg yjfghhhjjhdjdhdegfhfsj
i was born in ohio and i only lived there for a year then we moved to the south and im still not used to the heat
I don't sweat a lot but whenever I'm anxious I sweat and my forehead goes all red lol life is great 🙃
but are you tan is another question ? at school my nickname was sunscreen bc im almost as white as sunscreen and i have to reapply it every 15 minutes during the summer
that sounds crazy