


57 1
r u ok
😥😢😭stay safe fren.❤️❤️
I'm so scared
just breathe. what kind of things do you like?
my bed
I hope you come back one day, but that doesn't matter right now, please stay safe. breathe. take deep breathes.
people that don't make other people so scared that they have a panic attack to the point where they have to call for an ambulance...
just the normal things really😂
that's nice. I like my bed too 😂 and flowers and animals
keep breathing and was it my fault
and books. what are your favorite books?
the Martian, gone, one second
cool, I'be always wanted to read the Martian. my favorite book series is "Warriors" which is about cats. 😂 *meow* 🐱
are you flexible?? I'm not 😂 can't even do a split😅 oh well
how was this my fault I just asked a question
keep breathing, beautiful.❤️ you are loved
I'll pray and pray for u my freindemy
keep breathing meg we want you to stay alive.
No! I really hope u feel better!!!!! i will miss u so much!!!!!! ilysm❤️❤️
💕🌎 girl, stay strong ✨👑
megan ill message you on insta ok x
megan ill message you on insta ok x
good luck I hope your ok soon
I hope you you are ok😍
I love you baby girl!! 😍 I'm here for you
get better soon Megan!❤️take as much time as u want!
😢 take your time
hope you'll be okay ❤️
take ur time, get better soon 😭😭😭😭😭
Bless you lone-girl❤️❤️
omg what happened ???