Collage by itz_us_babes


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and who is heather dating
she won't tell me lol she is like why do u want to know I'm like I'm jw girl calm down lol😂
look at my stiches on my account
it really does baby it makes me cry sometimes
and block xx_ellie_xxx14 bc she is a lit stalker
just letting you know she used to be my bff and then one night I saw looking through my window and then at schools she said that I was curling my hair and that is what I was doing so it was kinda scary
ya lol should I post more pics
I'm ugly tho
awe thx baby
I'm only posting more for you baby
thx if someone else asked for me to post more I would be like no
bc I love you and not really anyone else I mean I love jayla as a friend
❤️you are amazing
you should post a pic of yourself
yay 😊