shoutouts to all our winners ^-^


shoutouts to all our winners ^-^

63 4
I'm just waiting for rocky to hopefully get on.....
What the heck...what do you mean by "oh mhm"
*shakes you* what!?
For what?
U ok Jules?
Ur not! Whats wrong? Talk! *walks over to you*
re:// I don't care u can choose
*tackles you* Jules! Talk! I'm severely depressed and I know the meaning of I'm fine! I've said it more than you can Talk
I will slap you! FREAKING TALK!!!
If you were great you wouldn't be crying! So plz tell me what's wrong! *wipes your tears*
No! Really? Jules what's wrong? Did he break up with you? Did something happen? What's wrong?
Did you hear of Peter?
Really? Prove it!
If you were then why would you be sorry for no reason...saying your sorry for everything
So he was the one who was adopted my my father AKA the one who murdered Jake my original brother and abused me, so he was here for less for a day came in PC and learned of Jake's death and he wasn't supposed to know. My dad killed him. I tried to stop him but earlier at school my right eye was knocked out of its socket by a bully and he threatened to take the others eye out so I backed off. I don't even haves monther to confront me cause my mom was kidnapped. now I want to kill myself to see my brothers.
But you did nothing...and I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you....
ik, You were Okautaruler and Griffithdor something
*hugs you* I'm sorry...I always seem to mess everything up
*cries* yes I do! I tried helping someone and I only made it worst...
I bet they did that out of pity...just like everyone at school, because my friend that I told about my depression (which I don't talk to anymore) told almost everyone at school and now they all seem to give me pity
I don't deserve a fan's only out of pity
You realize you just proved my point! Right?
Nope! you have more followers than I do and barely anyone knows about your depression and stuff...and all my followers know i have depression. It's clearly pity
*sits on the couch*'s not important anyways
*fiddles with fingers*
*shocked* what's with the hug?
*smiles slightly*
Jules! *falls*
*hugs you back*
*cries* I just wàtched the saddest video
It was a video when her mother died of cancer a year ago and yesterday she made another video for the on year anniversary of her mothers made me wanna hug my mom and says I love her
I know! Well I'm just laughing