Kittybowxo RIP America🇺🇸😭❤️x -posted on the 10th of November 2016- #trump #hillary


Kittybowxo RIP America🇺🇸😭❤️x -posted on the 10th of November 2016- #trump #hillary

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both candidates are terrible but I would choose trump over Hillary any day. Considering everything she's done it's no surprise trump won
but did you not hear/see all the videos of trump harassing women? its not just a coincidence that all these claims are coming through
actually it is. These "videos" are fake. Technology has advanced you know. These woman that claim they were "sexually harassed" crave attention. They either craves attention or worked for Hillary. Anyway there's no point in trying to make an argument over this. America spoke, and wanted a president who will be our voice. America chose trump for a reason
Would you have preferred for Hillary to win? Because both she and her husband are disgusting liars, murders, Bill's a sexual predator, etc. Hillary couldn't even handle being Secretary of State.
and america is gonna realise their mistake when its too late
im catholic actually probably the strictest form of Christian with their rules. i support the LBGT community however trump does not. building a wall around mexico? Dont you think thats a bit ridiculous?
first you may want to watch your wording. "Build a wall around Mexico" That is not accurate. He wants to build a wall around America. To protect us from terrorists. Hillary wanted to build a bridge. For what? To let isis come into America? Now i think THATS ridiculous
hillary probably didnt mean to build a bridge literally. Like to symbolise peace between two sides. Whats the point of a wall around the whole USA a bit ridiculous and stupid! Ever hear of an airplane? He didnt say that. He said he wants to build a wall around mexico to keep the "rapists" out.
he never said such a thing. He wants to build a wall and protect the borders. Other countries have secure borders? Why can't we? And airplanes can easily be shot down. We have an advanced military system you know?
what I think is ridiculous and stupid is that Hillary even considered building a bridge when we all know that isis is still out there. Everyone thinks that most of the immigrants are in mexico. Well that's not true. There are immigrants from All over the world. And they want to come into the country. Trump has nothing against that. As long as they come in the RIGHT way. My grandpa has been waiting 10 years to come into the country. But all these people coming in illegally take the spots and then the people who want to come in the right way get rejected. It makes me so angry. Trump wants to help the people who want to come in the right way. So now I'll be able to see my grandpa soon. Trump2016
i think one of the main reasons youre with trump is personal, for your grandpa. But think of they bigger picture. He's against the LBGT community, has many claims of harassment, his wife down right copied michelles speech and hes an ex-reality tv star! The country voted for a tv star for president!