Plz answer us your opinion about that and what You think about Sara's help!


Plz answer us your opinion about that and what You think about Sara's help!

20 1
that's awesome that Sara is helping! get better soon- I am oratory my for you
praying* not oratory
Hey thanks!That mean a lot to Gaia,and also to me❤️Sara
Dear TheViolettaLover, sometimes she is okay,but she really need support because she stay in the hospital a lot of time in her life .now she is "okay",bun never know what can happend tomorrow.....So I stay in this acc like a lot of times because if she stop writing because she is bored,I am here to tell everybody that she is okay or not💕Thanks for understanding -XOXO-Sara💕
HAHAHA😂We have the same nameeeeeee😂😂😂😂Wanna be friends?💕
Thanks,you are so special for her❤️
And how old are u
I'm so sorry about the situation of Gaia even thought I don't know her I'm sure she's strong and amazing it's Awesome that Sara is helping her and Cancer is a horrible thing and I hope it didn't exist but it does but I wish the 100% best for Gaia❤️🤗