A random playlist just in time for your winding down to this year's Valentine's Day. 
I've experienced some heartache this year so it hasn't been too great but I've had fun 🙂


💔CLICKY-CLICKY💔 A random playlist just in time for your winding down to this year's Valentine's Day. I've experienced some heartache this year so it hasn't been too great but I've had fun 🙂

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jeez, sad life, I don't know any of these songs... ill have to listen to them on the weekend😂❤
nice layout btw💕
oh, well I am sorry about the glandular fever, that must have sucked but I am glad your better!!❤ I hope this year goes well. so did you get a valentine??😂 lol, I am a single Pringle that doesn't have anyone that wants to mingle so i def didn't get one😂 my crush is my friend so I don't think he likes me but oh well. u have a crush?
yeah, I have never got a valentine before 😢😂❤ #singleforever but I always love the idea of a day like that. I have liked my crush since about half way through last year. I only really got to know him last year because he wasn't in my class any of the year before but he is a really awesome guy (so frickin funny, omg😂). we are just friends and I really don't think he likes me the way I like him. last year he used to like my best friend which was very hard on me but now I think he likes someone else. ❤ oh, wow, since seventh grade. dämn girl, the longest lasting crush I have ever had was about a year (the one I am having now might go on way longer tho). just go for it, talk to him and hang out with him more, it can seem nerve wracking but once you start talking it will feel normal.❤ haha, trust me, this is pretty long too, we can be love therapists together (even tho we r single)😂💕
remember Teenwolffaniac?
I love The Beach. 👌🏻