
Pretty sure my crush was flirting with me during science class, but I’m probably wrong. 
QOTD: Favorite class 
AOTD: Art, Speech, and Ag


πŸ’•tapπŸ’• Pretty sure my crush was flirting with me during science class, but I’m probably wrong. QOTD: Favorite class AOTD: Art, Speech, and Ag

25 0
HEY GUYS!!!!!!!!!! Come check out the contest on my page!! Fun prizes for 1st 2nd 3rd place!!!!!😜😜 Amazing collage btw!!!!!!!!!
aww ty
okay 2 morrow
thank you! AOTD:art, science, and math
so pretty πŸ’“
okay ty !!!
ya it amazing
What's AG?
AOTD: Idk, school doesn't start until August 27 BAHAHA