looking at this brings me into a dark cavern where my 7th grade self is dancing around displaying all these attributes and i want to literally submerge my head underwater and drown well how are you all doing today :)


looking at this brings me into a dark cavern where my 7th grade self is dancing around displaying all these attributes and i want to literally submerge my head underwater and drown well how are you all doing today :)

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The same pretty much
cannot relate
wait yes i can .,, melanie, ukulele and plants :///
I only can relate to the "emo bands" and the uke,,,ig I'm not too basic
^^except tøp tho
oh god i wish i was dead
I'm embarrassed now lol I'm 12 I can relate to well, but I'm not THAT cringe am I ?😂
i have cactus, tøp and panic! , and ukes but I'm not 12 im 11 😎😎
ew this was 13 year old me but I play uke and like plants and panic still
oh noh that is actually me in 7th grade im
ewww this was me last year and I still have relatively the same music taste, play uke and love plants but I don't think I'm special for it like I used too
why is this still me two years later
me in 6th and 7th grade
tbh kinda me now
this is definitely me and also not me at all at the same time
why is this me half of the time
oh ok this is literally my 12yo self