The more depressed you get the harder I try to make u happy, Because my life has no true happiness but as long as your happy I'm happy.


The more depressed you get the harder I try to make u happy, Because my life has no true happiness but as long as your happy I'm happy.

4 0
i dont know what to do.
neither do i....
just knowing makes me want to be there
no you don't. not rn
do u know why u wright the story
aand why
1:because ik the r true 2: because i just did these right before i called you and their still dripping.
none of them are true u are amazing and i love you... your are u and thats the reason i love u.
can u stop?
i love you too. but i know they are true, because their true to me.
id think i can
but thats the thing is there not
but will u please
they are to me....
i already tried. its like a drug for me....
but plz
i can't....
but why
its literally like a drug. i have to do it.
or else i feel like i can't breathe..
but a drug can be quit and i love u and beleve in you and i will do whatever it takes.
somethings just can't be stopped. i have to. it relieves me from my stress and worry..
again i will do what ever it takes legit anything
please don't worry yourself over it...
im going to im me i worry about evreything so of course im going to worry like crazy
don't please..
im going to
no u won't
i already am
pretty please?
with sugar on top?
im already super depressed because i love u and i dont want anything to happen to you. your the first girl iv ever cried over and if u didnt realize it during that silence i was crying again.
you didn't need to cry over it i swear i will try to stop
promise to me you try ur hardest
i will
thank you
ur welcome
ok and its ot my fault
hey my bad my mom came in i didnt mean to end it
u there
im sorry
its fine...
i gtg to bed.
why the ...?
the what?
and can u plz call me tomarow morning. loveyou, good night
i thought ur phone died. sry
love you too. goodnight.
no. so why u got to go to bed?
Nvm, love u too, night
nvm lol tired asf.