Collage by FxckDuncan


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Y'all are a amazing couple :)
thanks you guys are too
hey um u wanna be friends? I get it if u don't want to:/
haha yeah sure we can be friends
cool so tell me about ur self btw love ur account
first of all thank you so much!!! and.... well I'm 18 I live in Florida I'm gay af and taken by my little m and I'm a complete nerd I like creepypasta, anime, DC and Marvel, and markiplier and jacksepticeye
and pew die pie of course
wanna know about me?
haha sorry forgot to ask ya tell me about you my real name is Emma I hate myself I think I'm fat and ugly. I did self harm for a month. I live in Texas. I'm 13 I'm gunna be in the 7th grade. I love DC also. and markiplier too and pew die pie to. um I think that's all. :)
and I'm in a's not the best
you and him make such a good couple :)
I've been there with the self harm stuff maybe 3 hours clean and I'm sure you're not fat or ugly and danggggg you're young
I'm gunna remix a picture of me to show u how ugly I am ok
lemme see
I just posted it go and look
aww thanks for the comments....*blushes and bites lip* and wanna be besties?
yeah sure
hey were u just saying all that stuff or did u mean it?
I mean it you are beautiful
aww...thanks! *blushes again* y don't I feel like it tho?
because... this horrible thing called the majority of society exists
I'm not that dumb....hey ur my best friend right (yes/no)
yes of course
okay can I tell u something but u can't freak out okay?
ok sure you can tell me anything
okay....I thought that u were cute. and I like u and I told myself that someone like u wld never fall for a ugly asf 13yr old like me. but I know now that u won't.
well you're right I won't date you but it's not because your ugly it's because one I'm taken and two... I'm gay af Hun
yeah that's why when u told me I said that
x3 just so I don't get this wrong or anything what's you sexuality and what pronouns do you use? ^-^
like what do u mean?
what do you mean "what do you mean"?
are u asking if I'm straight of what r u asking
yeah straight and gender
I'm straight and I'm not trans wbu? Well already know some of it..-_-
you use she/her pronouns right?
gay, prefer he/him or they/them
but I'm cisgender -3-
what that I don't rlly pay much attion to that cisgender and all that. so i dont know what that is so plz tell meh.
male really just means you go by your birth gender
oh okay.
hey do u have a phone?
just a convo starter... have you heard about all of the trans bathroom stuff?
and ya
yeah. what do u think about all that stuff
it's bull let me go to whatever bathroom they want
hey it feels like I've known u my whole life. That seems crazy srry :/
good morning :)
how are u this morning?
pretty good hru?
I'm okay. I got scared last night it was funny
why'd you get scared
hey I'll tell u later srry bye!!
ok bye
there was a thunder storm last nite.
and I herd the thunder and it scared me
and it was funny I'm such a dork... :)
haha I still jump at thunder and lightning to and I'm a king of dorks
then what am I???
just a dork?
a mega dork!!!!
aw thanks
take pride in your dorkyness
okay I will
so wduwtta
okay r u ready for summer
yup 2 1/2 more days for me
how long you got?
5 days
hey have u every been bullied
many times, have you?
yes I got beat up 2.
I mean u got beat up 2 times
wow that sucks lets just say my dad and some of the people in my school aren't the nicest
yeh...hey guess what
what? sorry I was doing something
it's okay
I got my nails done
and I'm getting me second piercing. on Friday
awesome where?
and lemme see you nails!!!!
in the mall
I just remixed it
where's your piercing gonna be?
on my ears
I'm glad we're best friends.
I bet I'm more glad than u are
I doubt it
nope I'm more glad!
hey who is creepypasta?
look it up its hard to explain
it's up if u wanna see it
thanks for the comment <3
haha no problem
what' should I name my cat? it's a he so what should his name be?
fluffy mcfluffykins
hahaha. okay
go check my new collage and see if u like it plz and thank u
not trying to sound bossy....
hey u gunna do that tag thing?
hey u still there? if u r plz talk to meh
I'm about to cry....
yeah I'm here what's wrong?
well today sucked!!! First I didn't make It in to athletics so I told my step dad and he started laughing at me and called me stuff and said told u u couldn't do it. Second I hade basketball practice today... I screwed everything up my step dad is all y do u even try? so yah today was the worst..... :(
aw I'm sorry *hugs* I know how hard family can be sometimes
*hugs back and starts crying* ik... :,(
aww *hugs tighter* you ok?
idk*crys harder and hugs tighter* I feel like ur the only one who cares about me...
I'm sure more people care about you, I just care about you more
nobody cares about a girl like me.... Trust me I know... ur like the only on that does.
many people care about you
sorry I gtg night
srry I went to bed ... hey
I'm at school
I just got out. so wanna talk?
ye sure
so what's up how are u today?
pretty good you?
same. I have basketball practice today
guitar xD
I wish that I could wake up with amnesia
why what happened? but I love that song lol
yo forget about the stupid little things.
my bf broke up w/me... I'm so stupid
no you're not *hugs* wanna talk?
yeah pls *hugs back*
what happened?
this is what he said. that I wasn't paying attion to him and that I payed all my attion to my best friend. but I didn't he's a lier and he was also cheating on me too.. so yah that was my day..
he can I tell u something u can't tell anyone else plz?
of course
I started again....
oh poor thing it's ok it's not something to be ashamed about it happens and it'll get better maybe not tomorrow but it will I promise
what do I think I stated?
well I guessed I jumped to a conclusion of cutting sorry if that's wrong
oh yah ur right. srry
all because of that ex?
im get bulled everyday!!! it's getting worse!!
aww looks like it hurts
it dose...but not a lot tho
poor thing
yah u should see the ones im my stomp and thighs i dont know how to spell srry
was it because of this stupid ex or what?
no! it's not he's an a** and idc about him
yup. hey weird question but do u do self harm? u don't have to answer if u don't feel confutable about it.
few days clean
good... ig
clean mean u haven't done it right?
nm you?
texting u :p
guess what!!!
tomorrow is the last day of school!!
our ended yesterday and cool!!!
hey can I tell u something?
yeah of course
1.) my pants won't fit me.2.) I feel like I've known u forever...
1)big or small? 2) I feel the same way you're like my little sister
too small.
too much muscle
and ur my big brother...<3
haha xD
have u seen my new posts?
I just fell it hurt.
ouchy you ok?
kewl *hugs*
yup*hugs back then pulls of ands rubs arm*
you ok?
you seem shyer than usual
r u ok?
yeah I'm good little bored m isn't on long have y'all been dating?
dose he even like me? cuz I talk to u a lot?
I don't think he really know you, you guys should talk!!!
but I get to tell him I'm ur sis plz
yeah sure, my little sis
yay tell him to follow me pls
hey u asleep?
nope I'm awake and meh bae is on too ^-^
awesome wanna talk?
yeh sure
so wduwtta
idk kittehs?!?!?
yas kittehs
hey it's the last day of school yay!!!
hey big bro, did u tell ur bf about me yet?
oh no I thought you wanted to talk to him
he's not following me. and I want u there when he talks to me what if u screw up and he doesn't like me?
he'll love you sweetness I'll be there
okay... tell him to follow me plz thanks luv ya big bro <3
or what's his user name thing.
I'm scared....
don't be scared
hey haven't followed me back
he followed me back yay!! Wut do I do?
idk just talk to him :p ask for Matthew tho
help me tho
ok just comment on a collage and I'll be there k
on one of his?
which one
already did it
thanks :)
no prob that wasn't so bad was it?
kinda he was all "oh" what does that mean?
bye he still won't yah
I didn't mean to put bye I'm so srry
you leaving?
haha ok
I meant yah
he probably had to go he isn't talking
oh so what r u up too?
nothin much
I need a hug!!!!!
Awww *hugs* nothing's wrong right?
not really. I just need one *hugs tighter*
hey ur my big brother right? I can tell u anything right? and u won't freak out right? plz answer me
I need to talk to u my brother about two thing and u can't freak out plz just plz answer me
yeah sorry you can tell me anything
u sure?
of course
I feel like I'm about to Fxcking die!!
why?!?! what's wrong?!?! *hugs*
period pains :/
*hugs back*
ouchy sucks I'm gunna die
hey big bro, I'm lost. In that tag thing.
all ya gotta do is do the people that's on there and use emojis what part are you confused on?
all of it! I'm lost like what ppl?
just kinda copy the words then feel them in idk
what words?
dude, I wish we cld in person...
ye you seem awesome
aww...thanks...*blushes* u do too
*hugs* your parents probably wouldn't want an 18 year old emo in their house though
lol yah.*hugs back* but what if I come over wld u parents like me?
I'm bored. Is it okay if I don't do the tag thing?
you never told me that I were engaged with Matthew
oh sorry just caught in the moment and forgot
and I don't live with anyone
oh...where do u live again? I wanna be apart of the wedding when are u getting married?
oh it's just gonna be something on here we live far apart
I live in Florida
we're getting married not this weekend not next weekend but the weekend after that
that's cool where at?
nobody wants to hug me today!!!😫
Awww sweets *hugs*
who doesn't want to hug you?
like everybody. but u *hugs back tells u never let go*
someone in particular?
no just everyone I asked.
do u have a kik?
nah I don't do much social media
wanna see my penguin?
should I do a bio? that tells ppl about me
and yeah!! xD
do u like my penguin?
ye it's so kawaii!!!!
thanks! oml guess what!
me and Matthew r talking yay
yup. I rlly wish we were bro and sis u know?
yeah gets kinda lonely here
I'm gunna run away to were u are. just come and pick me up...
good morning. 😝❤️
do u wanna sing she looks so perfect by 5sos with me?
dood I just woke up
I'm sorry I didn't know. u mad at me?
of course not I just slept until 12:00
oh ok
you should run away
when just say the word an ill do it
when do u want me to runaway? lol
18066852973 just txt me here's my #
:p you actually want to run away I could be dangerous I don't want you to get hurt
Ik I was jk
hey plz txt me on my phone thanks! :p
hey...should I just kill myself already*starts crying*
no sweetie *hugs* what happened?
bullies...even out of school...*cries harder* they are telling me that I should just kill my self already over and over.., I wanna take there edvice and just do it*wipes tears*
no love you can't do you know how many people would be hurt? *hugs you tightly* you're not going anywhere
thanks...*calming down* I love u and I love that u r there for me *hugs u back* but my life sucks.
I know sweets do your parents know what's going on? *pats your back*
I gtg I'll be back in a little stay strong for me ok sweetie
nope.*lays my head on ur shoulder* should I just do self harm or what to get it of my mind?
ok..ill try...
hey...u back?
I'm back now sweets you ok?
yah all better *hugs u tightly*
guess what!
awesome I wish we lived closer so you could watch my band I could get you back stage passes *laughs and hugs you*
in watching Star Wars for the first time.
I wish we did live close by that would be awesome
just send videos of ur band. so I can see. and pretend that I'm there.
my stupid joggers are to dang big on me
haha were practicing a lot right now I'll talk to you afterwards
ok bye
alright I'm back
how was it. Dang I wish I was there...
it was good hot tho we were outside
oh. well that's cool...
I wish you could be there
:p wrud?
just trying to cool off it was really hot
guess what!
1.) in still single*looks sad*
you'll find someone soon
2.) I haven't done self harm in a week *smiles*
awesome good job sweetie
no I won't ever find some one cuz I'm ugly and fat.
no you're not you're adorable and the perfect size, you're fun sized!!!
ur Like the only person that think that. probably only bc ur my brother.
no because it's true and everyone else is just jelious
jealous of what?
of your awesomeness
*smiles&blushes* Duncan you broke me...*giggles* I love u bro
love you *picks you up and spins you*
*giggles when u spin me* love u more
guess what I'm doing!
what? riding a unicorn dragon?
I wish....I'm packing I'm going some where.
some where.... *trying not to smile*
neverland...shhh don't tell anyone. okay?
sounds amazingly awesome
yup... I'm going to my friends house.
I'm tired...I'm a unicorn did u know that?
yes, because I'm a narwhale!!!!
and that's how we are bother and sister?
yes it makes perfect sense now
yah!! cuz I look nothing like you..*giggles*
oh well that's because you can fly and I can fly... in water
God...I'm so glad I met u...*smiles at u then hugs u*
*hugs* I'm glad I met you too
what time are u staying up till?
do u know anyone I could date?
idk Matthew will be up late he took a nap so for awhile probably
I don't know most of my friends are either gay or taken umm you can ask for some single people on thenerdyreapers
but I'm 13 and i dont know who some ppl are. but go ahead do what u want.
I'll ask around I don't know many youngies you're straight right?
well srry that I'm so young?
I only know younger girls what age is like 16ish ok?
I don't want to date them!
just forget it
r u ok? u seem...sad. is everything okay?
yeah... I'm fine *forces a smile*
what's wrong tell me...plz. *hugs*
I'm ok it's nothing. Nothing you need to worry about sweetie
just tell me plz....
some bullies at my school stole my anti depressant pills and I can't afford anymore right now
rly? I'm srry will u be okay? remember I'm here for u okay?
they're just a bunch of d¡cks
I'm fine like I said nothing to worry about
u sure
yeah I'm ok
I'm leaving *thinks why would he care*
why? where you going? *grabs your hand* don't go
I'm leaving pc only for a little bit. *turns around has tiers in eyes*
no don't go *pulls you on my lap* what's wrong?
life! I've told u a million time *doesn't feel comfortable try's to get comfortable*
*lets you move around a little* I know sweetie but you can't leave me *hugs you closely*
tell me y* kinda pushes u off* I'm still not comfortable...
cause you're my little sister and I need you *sits you beside me*
*looks you in the eyes* I need you too*starts crying* but it seems like u need someone else more then u need me. and I need you like a lot cuz I love u.
I love you too sweetie but I do talk to other people and Matthew is my fiancé but I do love you a whole bunch
Ik that...
but that doesn't mean I need you any less *hugs you*
*walks outside* I need to calm down...
*sighs and looks down* ok come back in when you feel a little better *goes over to the couch and lays down*
okay...*cant even make it out the door with out crying* Duncan! I'm sorry *runs and hugs u* I'm srry
it's ok you didn't do anything wrong there's nothing to apologize about *hugs you tightly* it's ok
yes there is* hugs u* *then lays w/ you on the couch*
no you didn't do anything wrong *puts my arm around you*
*looks up at u* yes I did I was I being a jerk * trys not to show u my arm*
no sweetie you're fine *looks at your arm* anything you want to show me?
umm....*pretends to fall asleep* no I don't think so. r u comfortable? I can move if u want me to.
night I gtg to sleep
you can stay right there night
*cracks* yes I do need to show u something pulls up sleeve...
ok good night
hey u up?
yeah I'm up now
okay...u wanna now what happened
to my arm
if you want to tell me
okay...I was doing something and I cut my self
and it hurts.
aww are you ok? what were you doing?
something. yah I'm fine.
you know you can tell me, but only if you want to ok?
self harm*looks down* plz don't get mad
why would I be mad sweetie it's not like it's your fault or you did anything wrong *hugs* I know it's hard not to it's ok
thanks for not being mad*hugs back*
that's not something you need to worry about
how did I get so lucky? to have u in my life?
can u keep a secret?
yeah of course
I'm staying*hugs and smiles*
srry I was taking a nap...
awesome I was too I don't feel good right now, that's awesome!!!
I don't ether...yah don't tell anyone that I'm coming back.
is it gonna be a surprise?
well kinda...u wanna help me surprise them?
sure, how? do u think I should tell them?
ooo make a contest and see how they could get you to stay like make a collage or something idk
okay...sounds good! thanks
what should it saw?
we should have an account together that would be cool
yeah you make one and tell me the pass
make what the collage?
no the acc, but yeah the collage too
idk how to do it u do it plz.
the account?
yes the account.
whatcha wanna call it
idk.dis u do it already?
no I don't know what to call it xD
hey...can we talk?
yeah sure
like something serious...*looks down*
of course *lifts your chin*
*forces smile* if u didn't call me sis would we u still care about me? How much do u even care about me *sits down in couch*
*sits down beside you* what I call you doesn't change how much you mean to me and I care about you a lot
*looks at u in a kinda sad way* r u sure would u even like me like how u do now?
yes of course I would like you I liked you before I called you my sister
*lays on ur shoulder* thanks...*smiles* ig I'm just worried...
*lays my head on top of yours* about what?
u getting married...*moves to lay on ur lap* what if u forget about me when ur with Matthew?
have I forgot about you yet?
then nothing's going to change sweetie
*smiles* okay. r u sure?
super sure almost forgot to tell you goodnight I'll talk to you in the morning
okay good night love u.
hi...*smiles* u up?
yeah I'm up now
did u wake u up? sry if I did
no you didn't sweets it's ok *hugs*
*hugs then steps back* I'm moving and I'm tired asf... it sucks
oh well have fun moving xD take a nap real quick if you can
I can't. I'm moving to a smaller town
I couldn't even sleep last night...
poor thing, do you feel ok?
no...I fell like I'm gunna die
aww come here *hugs* do you feel sick?
kinda...*hugs back*
I look like s**t today
I doubt that you're always beautiful
thanks *smiles*
I love that smile
*blushes* thanks *hugs u*
*hugs back*
*lays head in chest*
*runs my fingers through your hair*
r u okay?
I wish I was with u*looks sad*
I wish I was there with you too
*looks up* ik it sucks over here with out u
I'm not sure you would want to meet me in person though
y not?
I have my days...
what does that mean? sry I'm stupid. * looks down*
I'm not always happy I guess I should say.... sometimes I do things I shouldn't
Like what? hold on I have to do something
okay I'm back.
did you see that things I've done project I did
oh yah
I've been to juvie more than once
rlly? why
stealing, graffiti, vandalism, I'm a delinquent Emma I'm sorry
plz don't do that anymore *looks at u and holds ur hand* for me.
*walks away* it's hard not to
plz don't walk away from me*walks to u* but u know I'm here for.
I know *looks down*
then why don't u?
why don't I what?
r u okay? ur not talking to me...
hey...I'm sorry. for acting like a jerk to u.*starts to cry* I'm so so sorry for what I did and what I'm about to do with my arm and my blade...
no don't cutie I had to go to the doctor
I'm not mad at you
please talk to me I'm so worried
hey u might be an uncle...
who's the father?
i dont know
idk if I rlly am. bc I haven't token the test yet. I'm just scared
is what mine?
take the test
would u like to be an uncle? give me 10 min
I guess aren't you a little young though?
I'm scared to look at it! I wish I where here
I wish I was there too, just tell me when you knew
no...I'm not...
why did you think you were pregnant?
yeah...would u wanna be an uncle?
I guess I've never really thought about kids
cuz I skipped my u know what...and I was throwing up a lot.
oh yeah, well did you buy the cheap test?
no. would u wanna be an uncle????
I guess like I said I've never thought about kids
oh...okay...*looks down*
but I'd help you raise one of that's what you want
hey can u stay up with me?
yeah sure take another test to make sure too
y r u so worried??
because of you are pregnant then we need to know
well...if the first thing said no then what's the other gunna say? yes?
maybe sometimes the cheap ones are wrong
fine!!! I'll do it!
thank you
*comes back* it says I'm not! u happy!!
thanks for taking it, did you do anything to have a kid?
well...*gets nervous*
you can tell me
yes I'm sorry don't get mad...*looks down*
it's ok... on here right?
on here what?
you did "it" on here
I didn't do "it" on here wait where's here? on PC?
yeah... you did it in real life?
yes! wait "it"is well uh *chuckles* u know
yeah you had sëx at 13?
wow with who?
this guy named Ashton...know u don't rlly trust me huh?
does he have an account on here?
nope. Sorry. So do u trust me or not?
I guess why?
cuz of that "why" u gave me made me feel like u don't trust me no more...
I still trust you its your life Emma but.... 13?
I'm sorry *sits down puts hands in my eyes*
I'm not mad Emma I'm just confused...
*looks up* why?
*sits beside you* was it a one time thing? who old is this guy? did he force you?
yes.14. no
*looks at u eyes are red*
why would you have sëx so young what if you had a kid? you think that guy would actually help you take care of it? do you know how painful labor is? are you two even dating?
well we broke up. but we were careful!
when did you break up?
after you had sëx?
ok whatever it's your life Emma
are u mad now?
well I'm not happy but whatever...
Rlly.Why? I'm sorry I am...*starts crying*
wow...and u don't answer me okay... ur mad.
I'm sorry! okay I'm sorry idk what else to say! I just don't want you to leave me like how my other friends did.we argued for 3hours last night. I hurt don't wanna loses u. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me so I'm begging u plz don't leave me....I'm sorry-Emma
it's ok sweetie I'm not mad I was just worried about you and sometimes I express that in the wrong way... but you don't ever have to worry about me leaving you no matter how mad I get I'll always love you
I'm fine...why would u think I'm not?*looks down and start crying*
because of that *lifts you chin and wipes your tears*
*hugs* you ok?
yup all better!
rawr xD
hey r u still gunna be on this acc?
yeah a little you can join the other if you would like
u don't know how much I cried last night
poor thing I hate when you cry
here's the password for the acc: loveislove username: -lgbtq- Imma delete this in a min tell me when you got it
idk how to do all that stuff
just log out then log into that one
okay. can I use one of u pics for a collage?
k thanks love u
wuv u
it's up. just know that I love you. okay
thanks for the comments. Just to make sure ur not mad? right?
nope not mad
hey u on?
we need to talk plz.
it's important*cries*
sorry yeah I'm on
what I'm confused
baby's sure
pretty, sorry I've been busy
no it's fine. u busy?
my sis wants to met u
OK sure
hey u on?
Matthew what's to know.
I need to ask u something important.
sorry I'm here what is it
WHAT IF I have a bf would u be okay with it? since what happened last time??
I guess... is he nice to you?
he throw a baseball at me by an accident idk
did he mean to?
but that was a longgggggg time ago so we went back to my house and played 7min in heaven and then we messed around then fell asleep in my bed at 1:30ish
cute if he makes you happy then I'm happy for you
he does make me happy...
....but I also want u to be happy too.
...bcuz I want the 2 most important guys in my life happy...
I'm happy if you're happy
well I am. But r u
I hit myself and I hurt !!!
I'm so happy ya know why???? I'm just gunna tell u!!! my sister is back and I'm so happy!!!
awesome *hugs* I'm glad you're happy
*hugs back* so what have u been up too? we haven't talked in ages...*looks upset*
so yah my "BF" broke up with me. I guess u can say he didn't make me happy.
hey, I herd about the hospital thing...sorry I wasn't there for u...I wish I could still talk to u*eyes water up* I just miss u do much and miss taking to u and staying up late..*cries and studiers* iii miss u I want to talk to u again... I'm sorry *walks off sad*
hey is Emma again I'm just gunna stop