I can already guarantee i’m not going to graduate🤦🏻‍♀️


I can already guarantee i’m not going to graduate🤦🏻‍♀️

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I feel ya, I haven’t started algebra yet. 😑 I barely even have time to look at what I need to review. 😒
maybe if you talk to a teacher who could help you out with extra classes or something?
Lol it is. 😆 Cool! I’ve heard of that. 🤓
aww no😓maybe you can ask teachers for extra help or other classmates?😓💕
aw :( ^^agreed, maybe try talking to a teacher?
Ohhhh aw man😓💦
aw, that's terrible how your mom would be upset😓maybe you could look on the Internet? I know I'm no help but maybe I could help you with some stuff?🤔I'm really bad at helpy stuff though😓and np💜
that kinda sucks, I don't mean any offense😅😓and yeah Khan Academy is good, I hope it helps🍀and omg Algebra 1 was so long ago for me😅and np💜
Thank you :)❤️I think I've hopefully gotten over it by now
Thank you☺️❤️
I'm ok. trying, you know? but how are YOU? this whole school sh* t must really su ck for you, I'm sorry.
you're NOT an idiot. Words can be powerful, try not to listen to what your mom says. Look, you're strong and I know that if this means enough to you, you'll be able to do whatever it is you need to do. you're beautiful, powerful and resilient.
but for reals, don't let your moms words penetrate. they are dangerous and that's the last thing you need right now
no, I'm happy for you to talk to me. I get you with family. my family is pretty oversized too and it's just... ARRRGH! I completely feel you girl.
onto happier things though, if you can call the, that... what have you been up to?
first of all, thank you. I always appreciate it when people like my work and take the time to tell me. (lol, just me seeking attention) but... omg! pointe shoes! yay! I'm really excited for you!! believe me it hurts like you-know-what but it's WORTH IT! and me? well, I'm performing Cinderella with my ballet school most of next week which is cool and... what else? can't think of much else.
I'm sorry about all the stuff you're going through.....if you need to talk, I'm here!💗
🌹hello my beautiful flower 🌹(💀Xander will kill me for saying that.💀) 😊I’m currently hosting a drop box for Q/A celebrating 300 followers! 😊😱and in exchange for your lovely participation, ✨I like 5 of your beautiful colleges! ✨(🧀I don’t normally do this, sorry if I sound cheesy.🧀) ❤️And thank you so much for following me!❤️
don't be scared of your potential. it's a bit hard, but so are all good things in life and I know you'll be wonderful at it
thankssss! eek, I'm actually really nervous. I just came home from FULL DAY rehearsals and boy... I'm exhausted. hopefully it will be a success.
And if you want to talk to anyone, I'm here for you as well! Thanks again.
I hope so!!! busy doing my makeup now and then I'm off to the theatre!!!
I don't know if you mean in a good way or not😅❤️
oh thank you so much!!☺️❤️❤️