anyone wanna celebrate with me?


anyone wanna celebrate with me?

21 8
it's not like I missed it on purpose Kylie.
why didn't you tell me about it I would've tried to come...
you wouldn't either way...your to busy all the why even tell you if you were never to show up..I would be just hurting myself even more..
then why do you stay with me Kylie
then maybe I won't..*tears stream down face and walks upstairs grabbing a suitcase and packs my stuff
*sighs and sits down with head in hands and mumbles*maybe that's for the best
*shakes softly and walks downstairs to car and grabs a baby
*gets inside
you know I cant do this anymore with the fights,the arguing around the kids, it's to much for me and it's not healthy, now I'm gonna tell you this's, either you want me or you don't I need to know, if you say no, I will walk out of those doors and never come back tell me
I can't do this anymore either Kylie, but for a completely different reason. I don't think that you understand the difference between love and lust. because whenever we start fighting it is because I wouldn't have ś ë x with you and when we are fighting all you want is ś ę x, I don't understand why is it always about that? I don't WANT you Kylie, I LOVE you. There is a huge difference that I don't think you understand.
then if I don't fùcking understand then maybe we shouldn't be together.*looks up at you*wow I can't believe I'm gonna say this but..goodbye Jason..*tears stream down face
*sighs and runs a hand through my hair
*shakes head sadly and walks outside and calls Weston
*stands by the door* you can stay at the house... I'll leave.
it's fine ..*calls
ok... *walks back in and grabs an engagement ring in a box and brings it back and sets it on top of your bag and goes back in leaving the door open
*calls and talks*
*stands at window waiting for you to see it
*picks up bag and sits on curb and looks at it*
*watchesand wipes eyes and closes curtain going to check on the other baby
*looks at it and Weston pulls up*you never told me you wanted me to stay..goodbye..*sniffles and puts it on the counter*find someone you care about..*walks outside
I never said I wanted you to go either and keep it. it was meant. for you anyways.
no it's just gonna remind me of you..
*takes it out of the box and slides it onto the index finger of your right hand* maybe that's a good thing.
*takes it off*no it's just gonna break my heart more..*puts it in your hand and closes it* whoever gets this is gonna be the luckiest girl alive.*kisses your hand and walks outside
Kylie wait
what?*turns around slowly
let's give this one more try. please.?
what try?
*sits on floor and cuddles my bear*
unless you don't want too..
I do but I'm just scared to get hurt again*pouts
*cuddles it^
it's your decision. *goes to check on boys
*lays on grass and looks up at stars
*sits in boys room with them
*falls asleep
*sees you a while later and carries you inside and lays you down in the bed and grabs a pillow and blanket to go back downstairs
*sleeps cuddling onto your arm and lays head on it
*smiles some and lays you down
*sleeps holding onto your arm
*slides into the bed next to you
*sleeps onto your arm
*covers up and goes to sleep
*sleeps till morning
*gets up
*walks to you*bye love*kisses your head and walks to stairs
*wakes up a little and mumbles* where are you going
*doesnt hear you and walks downstairs and crabs keys
*gets up and follows* babe, where are you going
(also whenever you answer can you please like the latest post on my page so I know?)
somewhere *gets in car
oh okay
where is somewhere?
somewhere*puts on seatbelt
ok, I'll be here then. *yawns and goes back in
k*backs out
*lays on couch and goes back to sleep
*goes to mall
*invites friends
*giggles when my friends come
*smiles and walks to stores
*wakes up and feeds boys
*plays with boys
*shops more
*smiles and gets in car*byee
*drives to get groceries
*gets out
*walks to front and grabs the baby cart
*walks in
*puts them both back in bed when they fall asleep
*looks up at the guy who's talking to me and shakes head
*cleans around the house
*grabs grocers
*walks to car
*sits and watches tv when done
*drives home
*watches tv
*gets out
*walks inside house and puts keys down
hey babe, you need help unloading?
*nods and walks outside
*walks out and grabs bags
*grabs some bags
*grabs the rest and brings them in
*drops bags with my bras and panties
*puts other bags down and helps you pick them up
*picks them up*thanks.*wwlks upstairs to put them away
*nods and puts everything else up
*walks dowstairs to help
*puts stuff up
*puts stuff away and sits on counter
*walks over to you
did you have a good time?
that's good
do you wanna go out for lunch?
sure*gets up and changes into a dress
*changes and gets boys ready*
*walks downstairs
*puts boys in car seats
*walks to car
*puts them in
*gets in
*gets in* where do you want to go baby?
I wanna go to McDonald's
*nods and starts the car
hiii:) i am zach how are you?
hiiiiiiiii zach(: I'm okay, how are you?
*drives to mcdonalds*
*gets out
*gets out and gets boys
*walks to entrance and runs to the playground
*chuckles and follows you
*giggles and there's a lot of kids and runs up the things but kids start to follow*no go away from me!
*chuckles watching from bottom
*giggles and slides down the slide*weeee
*pouts as I have to wait in line*you guys are slow.*runs up to the slides cutting everyone
baaabbeee come on let's go order
no no I'm not done *slides down and giggles running up*come find me*hides on the top
babe I can't with the babies
just leave them on the stroller*yells while hiding
*puts them where I can see them and climbs up and looks
*giggles quietly
*looks and peeks in to where you are* found ya!
no nooo*giggles and crawls away
*chuckles and pulls you with me to the slide and slides down with you in my lap
*giggles*again again
after we eat baby
no no*pouts
but but*whines
pleeaassseee baby
I'm hungrrryyy
*pouts and gets up and walks to the guy
*gets babies and follows
I want happy meal
*orders a burger and pays after you order
*sits on the counter
*picks you up and carries you to table while pushing stroller
*wraps legs around you
*sets you down
what do you want to drink?
orange juice
*gets orange juice and Dr Pepper
*comes back and give you oj
I wanna sippy cup
I didn't bring one princess
but but !
can try drinking from a big girl cup for daddy princess?
*pouts*but but I'm not a big girl daddy, those straw thingies are to big for my mouth
well if you can't drink with the straw then your really gonna have to drink like a big girl and drink without a kid
no no ! I wanna sippy cup now ! !
I don't have one baby. sorry.
but but ! *whines and kicks*
stop. or we are going to leave right now.
no no !*whines and kicks there stuff*i want a sippy cup and I wanna go one the play ground!
*puts everything together and puts all of our food in a sack then picks you up grabs the bag and pushes stroller outside*
no no !*squirms and try's getting away
*puts you in car*
no !*kicks and runs to the entrance
*follows and grabs you and puts you in and buckles you and shuts and locks your door*
*pouts and kicks your chairs
*puts babies and bags in
*kicks and hears something break*oh no no
*sighs and runs a hand through your hair* what did you break
that thingie*points to the head thingie
sit. still.
but but that's not fair*kicks
Kylie if you break one more dxmñ thing
*whines and kicks and breaks something and gasps*
KYLIE. Seriously?!
*sighs and stops at a red light
*sits and kicks your chair again
*turns around and holds your legs still* I said stop dxmñ it
you can't make me*kicks again
*drives to house and parks
*kicks harder
*gets out and gets boys before taking them in and coming back and opens your door
*kicks hard
Kylie stop I don't have energy right now. Rylan is on her way over. her and Weston broke up.
but but daddy. that's not fair. your gonna give all the attention to her*pouts* and I know he just punched a wall:(
not for long. baby *kisses your head* yeah Rylan just attacked my sister when she got here:(
but but *pouts* your my daddy not hers! yeah he's pìssed but oh well
I'll just tel. her not to come. *texts her*. she is a mixture of pïśsêd and upset
otay daddy
*goes inside and lays on couch
*gets out and closes door and lays on you
*closes eyes
no no sleep*bounces on you
I'm not going to sleep. I just have a really bad headache baby
mamas can fix it*giggles and runs to get a ice pack
*lays with eyes closed and puts arm over my face
*lays with arm over face
*runs back and crawls on you and moves your arm
shush!*hits your chest and puts the ice pack on your head*
*sighs and puts hand over eyes
no no let me see your face you might be sick, blow on my hand*puts hand on your mouth
why? *is burning up*
to see now blow.*feels around your face with other hand*your fùcking burning up Jason!*calls the doctor
*blows on your hand and takes phone to end call* babe. I'll be fine by morning
no*reaches for phone*give it back!
Kylie seriously calm down I'll be fine later *closes eyes again*
don't seriously me!*reaches for phone and grabs it
Kylie *sighs and tries to lay still
*trys looking for doctors number*what
don't bother them *puts arm back over face* fü çk it's cold in here
it's not even cold.and leave your arm down*takes it off
I'm cold tho *looks up at you
I don't care I said no
*gets up and gets a blanket and lays back down and covers up
*crawls on you
*tries to sleep
*licks your cheek and giggles
please baby not right now. *rubs eyes
but but daddy let's play tea party!*giggles and bounces around excitedly
can you play with your stuffies please princess
but daddy I wanna play with you*frowns
daddy doesn't feel good
I'm sorry princess
*huffs and stomps upstairs
*sleeps on couch
*slams door shut and stomps to bed
*wakes up sick
Kylie I have to go to Rylans for a bit ok? I'll be back in about an hour
no daddy no
she needs help loading some stuff babe
no daddy no*climbs on you and holds you down
my daddy*huffs
I know princess and I'm only your daddy ok?
yes dadddy *cuddles onto you
you wanna come with me? I'm helping her load hers and the babies bed/crib and dressers onto a trailer so she can leave in the morning.
no daddy stay here.*cuddles
please baby she can't do it by herself.
tell her to tell Weston or one of her other boyfriends*cuddles
*lets you go* excuse me? she is not like that Kylie. she hasn't dated anyone else but Weston. it's not like she has gone around and fxçkéd and bunch of other guys since then.
I didn't mean it like that.*looka at you confused and scared*but seems like you really care about her*gets up
me and her have been very close growing up. my mom kind of took her in when her dad did some things to her at a young age...
good to know*goes to grab a baby
why do you say that?
seems like you closer to her than me.i bet if someone said that to me if we broke up it would totally be different.
what do you mean? if someone said what to you?
never mind .*shakes head and rocks him
*sighs and gets up and kisses yours and his head
*rocks him
*leaves and comes back after about an hour*
*sits on couch waiting mad
*walks in and puts keys on counter* I'm back babe
I see that.*looks at you angry
*sighs* what's wrong princess
I told you not go!and you went!
I had to go help her baby
I told you no! your supposed to be listen to me!
I do listen to you baby but she has almost a 21 hour drive ahead of her and she is trying to do it while Brayden is asleep. I just went to help for a bit and now she is gone ok?
*huffs and turns away from you
baby please *wraps my arms around you
*tries not to smile
*smiles and kisses your cheek
*keeps trying*no stop
*keep kissing over your face*
no no*giggles
*chuckles some and stops
*smiles some
*acts mad*your grounded *grabs your phone and your keys and wallet
*chuckles some* oh yea?
yup *runs and hides your stuff and walks down and pulls you to the guest room*no tv go to bed
*stands in the hallway*
go to bed I'm not asking again*pushes you onto the room
I don't think your in charge here princess blocks the door and grabs your waist*
yes yes yes*pushes you inside and closes door
*pulls you in with me* no. no. no.
yes yes yes*tries to get off
*holds you
*stands and sets you on bed and walks out of room
*chuckles and grabs my stuff and lays on couch on phone
stop!*grabs it and runs away
*chases you and picks you up and spins you from behind
*giggles*noooo go to bed mister!
*chuckles and takes phone back* no. maybe you should princess
no you !*takes it and runs*5 weeks with none of your stuff
*shakes head chuckling and follows after you before catching you* mmm i don't think so princess
*hits you in the bałłś
what the fxck Kylie?!
we're playing*looks up at you *silly
not anymore. *grabs my stuff and goes upstairs*
you take everything so seriously*rolls eyes and goes to my room and plays dress up
*lays on bed and watches you*
*plays and dresses up as. princess*
*chuckles some
*goes to sleep