Me and James


Me and James

63 115
luv u bby
oh what?
yeah we are still together
oh why?
why u surprised for?
oh ok what u doing?
why u feel weird u pregnant?
oh ok what is it then?
hey I flowered this account that you have now
hey holly
what's up holly?
oh u need help..? I can help?
I'm in GCSE too! I know what to do just send me a pic I will try to work it out
oh ok
oh ok I will do it as soon as I have a free moment
oh ok what's the next lot of questions?
oh ok
u ok?
getting ready for school u?
cool hey holly
u ok?
yeah I know but he's cute and I like him
they are the same guy!
yeah well done😹
yeah dom I have known him since year 3
that's cute ☺️
thanks how's life?
u ok?
u ok?
yo yo holly
u ok
I don't really know
same here