please let me know if interested!


please let me know if interested!

79 1
i really wish i liked writing now because this sounds super fun. i might even give it a shot if you end up doing this.
I really love this idea. i’ve been having a hard time writing lately— not lack of motivation or writers block but idk— and think entering a contest with a deadline and being excited to compete will definitely help.
ghjn i'm so bad at writing but it would b cool to see :))
omg i thought everyone i knew of on here wouldn’t be here!! that’s so cool. what have you been up to??
Ooh yes love this idea!
WOw that’s a genius idea!! I absolutely love to write aswell, and would definitely love to enter a contest like that with no hesitation!! I love your idea of us writing based off of a clip, and I think it would be a great way for all of us to get inspiration and find new ways to express things!!!☺️
I also love the idea of getting feedback, it would also help us improve and I think we’d all appreciate that!!
that sounds really cool!
that sounds awesome!!
samee i’ve been pretty bored but i’ve been working out a lot so if i don’t have a good summer bod after quarantine i’m suing. what hobbies or activities have you been doing?
sounds like fun!!