Collage by candy-canes


2 92
please make sure you find at least one more team member 😊 I will send you the info in advance tho... (if you don't find one more team member your team will be unable to participate therefore, eliminated)
Well hello ! 🤗💖🎄🎅🏼 Thank you for your team submission ! I would just like to give you a friendly reminder that these games will commence this Saturday the 17th of December 2016 🎄 This date has been pushed back due to lack of team entries, this date probably won't be pushed back any further, but if it is I will notify you 🤗🌿 Please let your team members know about the info and let them know to prepare themselves ❤️️🎄🎅🏼 THANK YOU for your time :) Merry Xmas ! xx